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View Resource A demographic and economic model of the Canada Pension Plan

This book describes how demographic developments influence the Canadian Social Security System, not only through the evolution of the size and age structure of the Canadian population, but also through the possible economic consequences of a decreasing and ageing population. The second chapter will situate the reader in the historical context of social security systems in the world, it also...

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View Resource Modelo demográfico y económico del Plan de Pensiones de Canadá

El libro describe ampliamente no sólo la forma en la que los fenómenos demográficos influyen en el Sistema de Seguridad Social Canadiense, por la evolución del tamaño y de la estructura por edades de la población canadiense, sino que señala también las posibles consecuencias económicas de una población decreciente yen proceso de envejecimiento. El segundo capítulo ubica al lector en el...

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View Resource Current pension systems evolution

The compilation presented here was structured in such a way that the reader had in the foreground an idea of what the problematic about pensions represent in the Latin American region, as well as an international panorama regarding the pension systems, which expose in form Dr. Álvaro Castro Gutiérrez and Mr. Olga Palmero Zilvetti in their respective interventions. Once the global vision on the...

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