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Family medicine at the dawn of the 21st century: themes and arguments

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Contenido: Chapter 1. Family medicine: future issues and perspectives. Section I: THE MEXICAN EXPERIENCE ON IMPROVING FAMILY MEDICINE. A. Design and trial of a family medicine improvement process at IMSS. Chapter 2. Family medicine at the Mexican Institute of Social Security: current strengths and weaknesses. Chapter 3. Conceptual design of the family medicine improvement process. Chapter 4. Implementation and evaluation of the family medicine improvement process experimental model. Chapter 5. Linkage services between medical and social benefits. The social health care approach in the family medicine improvement process. B. SYSTEM-WIDE IMPLANTATION OF THE FAMILY MEDICINE IMPROVEMENT PROCESS AT IMSS. Chapter 6. Implementation of the family medicine improvement process. Chapter 7. The electronic record and the family medicine information system. Chapter 8. Professional education of family physicians at IMSS. Chapter 8. Education as a strategy for organizational change. Chapter 9. Education as a strategy for organizational change. Chapter 10. Integrated health care and the health team. Chapter 11. Integrated health programs. Development of a preventive service provision and evaluation strategy. Chapter 12. Self-help groups of obese or overweight, hypertensive, and diabetic patients. Chapter 13. Rehabilitation services in family medicine units. Chapter 14. Evaluation of the family medicine improvement process. C. PERSPECTIVES. Chapter 15. Perspectives in family medicine. Section II. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES. Chapter 16. Family medicine in Argentina. Chapter 17. Family medicine in Brazil: experiences, reflections and perspectives. Chapter 18. Primary health care in Canada. Chapter 19. Community medicine in Israel: reform of primary care and renaissance of family medicine. Chapter 20. Primary health care in New Zealand: a New Beginning. Chapter 21. The experience of the United Kingdom. Chapter 22. Veterans health administration. Chapter 23. The future of family medicine: one approach. Chapter 24. Comparative analysis of the international experiences in the organization of family medicine services.
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Fecha de publicacion 2005
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Nombre del archivo ADISS2015-194.pdf
Fecha de emision de registro 2016-11-10 12:34:50
Fecha de creacion 2016-11-10 12:34:58
Ultima modificacion 2022-11-28 17:36:00