362.1042 / M449s

Morgan, Myfanwy

Sociological approaches to health and medicine / Myfanwy Morgan, Michael Calnan, and Nick Manning. -- London Dover, N.H.: Croom Helm, 1985. 297 p. : il.; 22 cm. (Social analysis)

Incluye bibliografía e índices.

1 Health, diseases and medicine. 2 Illness as a social state. 3 Lay interpretations and responses to illness. 4 Doctors and medical organisation. 5 The hospital as a social organisation. 6 Health care and the state. 7 Inequalities in health. 8 Informal support and health. 9 Future directions.

0709917058 0709935145 (pasta dura)


Medicina social

Calnan, Michael,
Manning, Nick, (1949-)