331.2520971 / C128c 1968

Canada, Depatment of National Health and Welfare

Annual report. Canada pension plan. Year ended march 31, 1968 = Rapport annuel. Régime de pensions du Canada. Pour l'année terminée le 31 mars 1968 / pres. John Munro. -- Ottawa: [DNHW], 1969. 48 p., 52 p. ; 25 cm. - Anual

Portada y texto contrapuestos en francés.

Highlights of the year's operations - Administration, planning and development - Finances - Report of the Canada Pension Plan Advisory Committee - Appendix A Orders-in-council and ministerial regulation - Appendix B Summary of the plan - Appendix C District and local offices - List of tables.

Jubilaciones y pensiones--Canadá--1968

Canada. Ministère de la Santé Nationale et du Bien-être Social.