368.40973 / E582inc 1992

E.U.A. Department of Health and Human Services Social Security Administration

Income of the population 55 or older, 1992 / Susan Grad; pról. de Peter M. Wheeler. -- Washington: SSA. Office of Research and Statistics, 1994. viii, 139 p. : il.; 21 x 28 cm. (SSA Pub No. 13-11871)

I Income sources received. II Family total money income. III Aged units or persons, total money income. IV Amoubts from social security, earning, pensions and assets. VI Relative importance of source. VII Shares of aggregate income. VIII Proportion below the poverty line.


Jubilaciones y pensiones--Finanzas--Estados Unidos--1992
Seguridad social--Estados Unidos

Grad, Susan,
Wheeler, Peter M., pról.