368.40631 / A824i.c 2004

International Social Security Association

Changes in the structure and organization of social security administration. International Conference, Kraków, 3 - 4 VI. 2004 . -- Switzerland: ISSA, 2004. [162 p.] ; 30 cm. (ISSA/OM/CONF/2004)

Textos en Ingles - Francés. Conferencia de Walter Steeger disponible también en Alemán.

Results of the conference / Andrew G. Sylva (ISSA/OM/CONF/2004) -- Agenda ordre du jour orden del día tagesordnung -- Keynote address / Mark Younger. Exposé liminaire. / Mark Younger.
Theme 1: Efficient collection of social security contributions: Effectiveness of social security contribution collection. / Aleksandra Wiktorow (1a). The collection of contributions in France = Le recouvrement des cotisations en France / Elizabeth Lion (1b) -- Collection of social contributions: Current practice and critical issues = Le recouvrement des cotisations sociales: pratiques et problemes actuels / Stanford G. Ross (1c).
Theme 2: The impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on the structure, organization and administration of social security schemes. The implications of technology for social security administration: the australian experience = Les implications de la techologie pour l´administration de la sécurité sociale: l´expérience australienne / Katrina Edwards (2a) -- E-government in german pension schemes = Geston électronique de l´assurance vieillesse en Allemagne = E-Government bei der deutschen rentenversicherung = E-Government / Walter Steeger (2b). -- The experience of the public service pension fund: United Republic of Tanzania = L´experience de la Caisse de tetraite du service public République - Unie de Tanzanie / Adam H. Mayingu (2c)
Theme 3: The value of performance management tools for social security organizations. Moving from performance measurement to performance management = Passer d´une mesure des performances á une gestion des performances / Susan Scotti (3a)

Seguridad social--2004--Congresos