303.4820922 / O852g 2005

Osterhammel, Jürgen

Globalization: a short history / Jürgen Osterhammel, Niels P. Petersson, tr. Dona Geyer. -- Reino Unido: Princeton University Press, 2005. 182 p. ; 22 cm

Traducción de: Geschichte der globalisierung dimensionen, prozesse, epochen.

I "Globalization": circumnavigating a term. II. The dimensions of globalization. III The development and establishment of worldwide connections until 1750. IV. 1750-1880: imperialism, industrialization, and free trade. V. 1880-1945: global capitalism and global crises. VI. 1945 to the Mid-1970s: globalization split in two. VII. Conclusion.



Petersson, Niels P., coaut.