368.40972 / R977so 2009i

Ruiz Moreno, Ángel Guillermo

Social security for the informal sector: the case of Mexico / Miguel Ángel Ruiz. -- México: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2009. 18 p. ; 29 cm.

Titulo en español: Seguridad social para el sector informal: el caso de México.
Max Planck Institute for Feoreight and International Social Law. International setting of standards and innovation in socialprotection in low income countries. Abbey Fraunwört on yhe Lake Chiemsee (vicinity of Munich, Germany) 14 to 16 october, 2009

1 Different approaches on the importance of social protection within the informal economy. 2 What is meant by informal sector of the national economy? 3 The structure of social security for the informal labor in Mexico.

Seguridad social
Economía informal