331.252094 / D815e 2016

Dubois, Hans

Extending working lives through flexible retirement schemes: Partial retirement / Hans Dubois, Georgiana Runceanu and Robert Anderson. -- Luxemburgo: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofund), 2016. 80 p. : il.; 28 cm.

Bibliografía p. 76-80

Executive summary Introduction. 1. The potential of partial retirement 2. Mapping partial retirement schemes across the EU and Norway. 3. Reducing working hours in a move to retirement: Sociodemographic profile. 4. Evidence from practice: Have schemes contributed to extended working lives? 5. Evidence from practice: Case studies of specific schemes. 6. Challenges and opportunities. 7. Potential lessons for policymaking.


Jubilaciones y pensiones--Europa
Jubilaciones y pensiones--Noruega
Seguridad social--Europa

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