517 / D442c 1975
Donald, D. W. A.
Compound interest and annuities-certain / D. W. A. Donald. -- - 2a ed. London: Heinemann: Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 1975. viii, 320 p. : il.; 22 cm.
1. Basic conceptions and general ideas. 2. Definitions and elementary propositions. 3. On the solution of problems in compound interest. 4. The valuation of annuities-certain. 5. Analysis of the annuity. 6. Capital redemption policies. 7. Valuation of securities. 8. Valuation of securities—continued. 9. Cumulative sinking funds. lo. Income tax. Varying rates of interest deiermination of yields. 12. Construction of tables. Answers to the Exercises- Compound Interest Tables.
Interés--Tablas, etc.
Interés compuesto