001.624 / H797o 1974

Hillier, Frederick S.

Operation research / Frederick S. Hiller y Gerald J. Lieberman. -- - 2a ed. San Francisco: Holden-Day, Inc., 1974. xi, 800 p. : il.; 24 cm.

1 Introduction. 2 Linear Programming. 3 Special Types of Linear Programming Problems. 4 The Application of Linear Programming. 5 Network Analysis, Including PERT-CPM. 6 Dynamic Programming. 7. Game Theory. 8 Probability Theory. 9 Queueing Theory. 10 The Application of Queueing Theory. 11 Inventory Theory. 12 Markovian Decision Processes and Applications. 13 Reliability. 14 Decision Analysis. 15 Simulation. 16 Algorithms for Linear Programming. 17 Integer Programming. 18 Nonlinear Programming. 19 Operations Research in Perspective.


Investigación de operaciones
Ruta crítica--Análisis

Lieberman, Gerald J., coaut.

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