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Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Administración de la seguridad social -- Administración de la seguridad social

Ver detalles Sistemas pensionales, reformas estructurales y pensiones no contributivas en América Latina

En el presente artículo, haremos un recuento general de los orígenes, desarrollos y las más recientes tendencias en materia pensional en América Latina, a partir del estudio de los principales momentos de la evolución de los sistemas de seguridad social, particularmente de los sistemas pensionales en la Región, en el marco de un análisis relacional y contextual entorno al desenvolvimiento de su...

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Ver detalles The actuarial sources of the rise in unfunded liabilities in America's defined benefit plans in the 21st century

Despite a decade-long bull market between the financial crisis and the COVID-19 recession, state defined benefit pension plans had accrued more than $1.37 trillion in unfunded liabilities. However, little work has investigated the actuarial sources of these unfunded liabilities. This paper uses original data hand collected from publicly available financial reports between 2000 and 2020 for 145...

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Ver detalles Pension fund shareholding and voting right value

Our study investigates the influence of the Korean National Pension Fund's equity ownership on voting premiums, revealing a statistically significant reduction. In particular, we establish the liquidity pathway as the primary factor among the three channels previously suggested in the literature. Analysis of the COVID-19 era and the VKospi index underscores this predominance. These findings enrich...

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Ver detalles Análisis de cobro de pensiones, en los afiliados a las administradoras privadas de fondos de pensiones, periodo 2016 al 2020

El presente trabajo de investigación tiene la finalidad de analizar el cobro de pensiones, en los afiliados a las Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones, durante el periodo 2016 al 2020, en la Marina de Guerra del Perú. Para poder lograr los objetivos, se empleó una metodología de diseño no experimental y de tipo descriptivo, utilizándose la técnica: el análisis documental. El análisis de...

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Ver detalles Estudio sobre tasas de reemplazo en el sistema de pensiones chileno y sus proyecciones bajo distintos escenarios

El propósito de este estudio es proveer un análisis de la situación actual de los montos de las pensiones que reciben los jubilados y las tasas de reemplazo que estas implican. Analizar los dos indicadores en forma conjunta permite realizar una evaluación más integral del sistema de pensiones al menos en dos de sus objetivos: suavizar consumo al pasar de vida activa a vida pasiva y de aliviar...

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Ver detalles An Assessment of the 2019 and 2020 Pension Reforms in Mexico

In recent years the Mexican pension system has changed significantly. In 2019 the existing means-tested social pension was made universal – covering everyone over the age of 65 – and the benefit level increased. In 2020, the main regime of the private sector was substantially reformed, increasing contribution rates for the funded defined contribution system, lowering the minimum years of...

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Ver detalles The effect of Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of future retirees in Chile

Chile implemented large pension withdrawals during the Covid pandemic. Afterwards, Chile increased non-contributory benefits in a quasi-universal scheme. Simulating future pensions, I show that the average loss in contributory pension income is 27.9%, with losses of 23.9% and 31.4% for men and women, respectively. After accounting for public transfers, the average loss in total pension income is...

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Ver detalles Reshaping Retirement: Navigating Latin America’s Pension Systems after COVID-19

In the wake of the global turmoil unleashed by COVID-19, Latin America and the Caribbean faces a glaring gap in understanding the impact of the pandemic on pension systems. Through a collaboration between research centers across the region and the Inter-American Development Bank, this book aims to fill that gap. Case studies focusing on Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, and Peru explore the...

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Ver detalles Partial Retirement and Labor Supply: Evidence from Swedish Collective Bargaining Agreements

Aging populations strain pension systems, prompting policymakers to introduce partial retirement schemes to incentivize workers to retire later. I study the impact of introducing partial retirement within collective bargaining agreements in Sweden’s manufacturing sector in 2013. Merging collective bargaining data with administrative records, I employ a difference-in-differences methodology to...

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Ver detalles Sistema privado de pensiones y financiamiento de los principales grupos económicos: Perú 1996-2020

El objetivo del artículo es determinar el nivel de concentración de las inversiones del sistema privado de pensiones (SPP) en los principales grupos económicos de capitales peruanos durante el periodo 1996-2020. El enfoque de investigación fue descriptivo y se utilizaron las estadísticas del SPP que publica la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) de fin de periodo sobre la estructura de...

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