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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2006 The challenges of aging and disability: employment and insurance, and international social security agreements (book review)

The 2006 Issue of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is divided in four chapters. The first two chapters address older-adult issues, the third chapter deals with disability-related problems, and the fourth chapter discusses Social Security agreements in the Americas. In the Presentation, it was pointed out that the objective of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is to become...

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View Resource Introduction of basic accounts in Mexico to address the issue of access to the banking system: design and expected impact

This article presents the Mexican experience with the introduction of basic transaction accounts. Basic accounts are relatively cheap simple banking products with restricted functionality targeted at social groups that have limited access to transaction accounts. In Mexico, basic payroll accounts and accounts for the general public were introduced. By law, these products must be offered by all...

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View Resource Hacia un sistema de servicios de salud público coordinado

Este trabajo está organizado tomando en cuenta el contexto del sistema de salud panameño. Considera el análisis de la situación de salud, demográfico, epidemiológico, de financiamiento, así como la provisión de servicios y la gestión de recursos humanos. Se aborda además, los antecedentes del problema, la justificación y se plantea una propuesta de intervención.

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View Resource Diversity and equity: Review to indigenous peoples, poverty and human development in Latina America: 1994-2004, edited by Gillete Hall and Harry A. Patrinos

The evolution of specific welfare-related indicators for these indigenous populations during the last decade is the theme of this important book. The study declares to have four guiding questions, to wit: 1. Have income poverty rates increased or decreased among Indigenous Peoples over the past decade, and what are the main determinants of observed trends?, How does this evolution compare to...

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View Resource Is age-grade distortion in Brazil's primary public education system more closely associated to school infrastructure or to family characteristics

Different economic studies have shown the importance of education in improving the quality of life of individuals. Thus, in the 90’s, the public education system was reformed to enhance the quality of public education in Brazil and motivate student interest. This paper participated in this discussion by suggesting an assessment of the impact that school infrastructure and family characteristics...

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View Resource Introduction (On the issue of social capital that is addressed in this issue of the journal)

In recent decades, interest has increased in identifying, estimating and linking social capital to a variety of well-being variables in which the production of certain benefits or performance is key. Research has involved the confluence of several disciplines: economics, sociology, anthropology and psychology, to name a few. Although consensus on the definition of a single indicator for measuring...

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View Resource The effect of the perception of violence on social capital in Mexico

Increasing levels of violence in Mexico, which have the potential to damage the very fabric of 1 society, as well as impact key economic variables, led us to analyze the effect that changes in the perception of violence had on social capital fluctuations (including associative capital) between 2006 and 2011. This was a period in which an anti-violence and anti-organized crime policy was launched...

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View Resource Panorama de la rehabilitación en las instituciones americanas de seguridad social

La Rehabilitación ha adquirido la importancia que tiene actualmente a partir de las primeras conferencias de seguridad social celebradas internacionalmente, porque ha despertado la conciencia legislativa y social de los pueblos, procurando mejorar la situación desventajosa del inválido en comparación con el sano. En un principio la rehabilitación se relaciona con el riesgo profesional, por...

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View Resource Seguridad social para personas trabajadoras del hogar en México: una propuesta

En el presente documento los autores detallan la propuesta en tres apartados. En el primero se centran en la naturaleza del trabajo, es decir, las características particulares del trabajo del hogar que deberían tomarse en cuenta al momento de elaborar una política pública: el tipo de contratación, las dinámicas laborales, la forma de pago y las peculiaridades de las relaciones de poder. De igual...

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View Resource Una propuesta para reformar el sistema de pensiones en México

En el presente documento se analiza el sistema de pensiones en México y se propone su modificación e integración. Esto con el objetivo principal de que el Estado pueda garantizar una pensión digna a todas las personas. Para ello se parte de tres cuestiones principales: 1) Las pensiones deben entenderse como parte integral de la seguridad social y no sólo como mecanismo de ahorro; 2) Al ser la...

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