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View Resource The time pattern of remittances: evidence from mexican migrants

We explore the time pattern of remittances using data on return migrants from the Mexican Migration Project. Some of these return migrants have settled in the U.S. and are returning to Mexico to visit family and friends, whereas others are temporary migrants returning home after a working spell in the U.S. We find that the dollar amount remitted first increases with time spent in the U.S. to...

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View Resource Workers' remittances and currency crises

We seek to further understand the factors that determine per emigrant remittances using data from 23 Latin American and Caribbean countries over the 1980-2003 period. We find that emigrants avoid remitting when the exchange rate is under pressure. This finding is consistent with the notion that remitters strive to reduce their exposure to exchange rate losses by taking into account the expected...

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View Resource Retirement incentives: pension wealth, accrual and implicit tax

This paper estimates social security financial incentives for early retirement using contemporary techniques developed in economics, and compares these estimates to those estimated for developed countries. I find that implicit tax on continued work increases with age and amounts to over one-third of an individual potential earnings at age sixty-five. The pension replacement rate shows the degree...

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View Resource Evaluación de impacto de la Asignación Universal por Hijo

El documento detalla los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de impacto de la Asignación Universal por Hijo (auh) luego de cuatro años de su implementación en la Argentina. Esta política implicó extender el sistema de asignaciones familiares preexistente –limitado a los hijos de los trabajadores registrados en la seguridad social– a los hogares encabezados por desocupados y trabajadores...

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