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View Resource Una sencilla ficha de evaluación de la pobreza para México

En este estudio se utiliza la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares de 2008 de México para crear una ficha de evaluación por puntaje que es fácil de usar y por medio de la cual se estima la probabilidad de que un hogar tenga un ingreso por debajo de una línea de pobreza dada. En la ficha se usan diez indicadores simples que los agentes de campo pueden recolectar y verificar...

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View Resource Promised and actual benefits in mexican social security fot rhe transtion generation

Este artículo presenta un conjunto de mediciones de los costos y beneficios reales del plan general de retiro por jubilación proporcionado a los ciudadanos por parte del Sistema Mexicano de Pensiones (SMP), que son necesarias para evaluar las decisiones de los trabajadores en cuanto a la contribución a la seguridad social (es decir, trabajar en el sector formal) y al retiro. El SMP ofrece dos...

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View Resource Strategic map of financial inclusion: a working tool

Various circumstances make difficult the rigorous study of processes, strategies and impact of V the efforts of financial inclusion and penetration, either at the academie level, in the public policy area or in companies and organizations of financial services industry. The central problem in Mexico has been the lack of a unified agreement on the definition and the low comprehension level of the...

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View Resource Toward closing the evaluation gap: lessons from three recent impact evaluations of social programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Despite recent growing demand from funders and governments, rigorous impact evaluations in Latin America and the Caribbean remain the exception rather than the rule. Many commissioned impact evaluations are methodologically weak, and thus only marginally useful in assessing the impact of social interventions. Other impact evaluations feature strong research methodologies at their conception, but...

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View Resource Impact on earning, employment prospects and timing out of unemployment of mexican programs targeted at unemployed individuals: challenges

his paper presents estimates of the impact of programs for unemployed workers on the performance of program beneficiaries in Mexico. We emphasize the significance of applying methodologies capable of avoiding statistical bias attributable to unobserved variables when measuring the impact on earnings and allowing to us properly estimate unemployment duration and work status after exiting from...

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View Resource Book review. Informe de evaluación de la política de desarrollo social en México 2008, CONEVAL

The Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico was published by the National Council for Social Development Policy Evaluation (CONEVAL) in 2008. The Council is one of the constituting elements of the new institutional framework to evaluate the public sector performance, particularly social development policies that were put in place mostly during the first decade of this century....

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View Resource Natural disasters and poverty in Latin America: welfare impacts and social protection solutions

The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Mexico jointly organized the conference “Natural Disasters in Latin America: Welfare Impacts and Social Protection Solutions” held in Mexico City in January 2010. The main objectives of the conference were to improve the understanding of (i) how natural disasters affect...

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View Resource The health insurance reform in the Netherlands and its relevance for Mexico

Alrededor del mundo se observan dos versiones de la organización de los seguros de salud; la seguridad social basada en el empleo, y los servicios nacionales de salud. En Latinoamérica regularmente se usa la primera, pero se está lejos de lograr la cobertura universal. En los Países Bajos encontramos una peculiar mezcla de obligaciones públicas y responsabilidades privadas. La cobertura universal...

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View Resource Feasibility analysis of an integrated health system: financial and distributive implications

The document presents spending projections and projections of the distributive incidence for an Integrated Health System under three basic scenarios: status quo, a two pillar scheme (financed through general taxes and private spending) and a three pillar scheme (financed through general taxes, social security contributions and private spending). By presenting these simulations, the study enhances...

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View Resource A simple poverty scorecard for Mexico

This study uses Mexico's 2008 National Household Survey of Income and Expenditure to I construct an easy-to-use scorecard that estimates the likelihood that a household has income below a given poverty line. The scorecard uses ten simple indicators that field workers can quickly collect and verify. Poverty scores can be computed on paper in the field in about five to ten minutes. The scorecard's...

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View Resource Social security pensions and retirement decisions in Mexico

Using Mexican cohort data for 1991-2000 this article examines the relationship between retirement decisions —the transition from work to labor market inactivity— and social security (contributive) pensions in less developed countries. The available large time series also makes possible to examine how a financial crisis that took place in 1995 has affected retirement incentives. In most Latin...

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View Resource Introduction of basic accounts in Mexico to address the issue of access to the banking system: design and expected impact

This article presents the Mexican experience with the introduction of basic transaction accounts. Basic accounts are relatively cheap simple banking products with restricted functionality targeted at social groups that have limited access to transaction accounts. In Mexico, basic payroll accounts and accounts for the general public were introduced. By law, these products must be offered by all...

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View Resource Analysis of the use of financial services by companies in Mexico: What does the 2009 Economic Census tell us?

We present a descriptive analysis of the results of Mexico's 2009 Economic Census regarding the use of bank credit and accounts by productive entities (companies). INEGI was requested to prepare a set of statistics regarding various company characteristics that are relevant to the decisions made by institutions offering banking services. Information was grouped according to company size and to...

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View Resource A quantitative analysis of social capital in Mexico

Se ha relacionado el capital social a la eficiencia en los mercados (Arrow, 1972), al refuerzo del contrato (Durlauf y Fafchamps, 2004) y en general al desarrollo y bienestar (Keefer y Knack 1997; Putnam 2000; Knack y Zak 2003). En el presente trabajo hemos investigado los determinantes del capital social empíricamente, centrándose en tres medidas comunes aproximadas de este: dos ligadas a la...

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View Resource Relationship between social capital and health indicators in Mexico

This study analyzes the relationship between social capital types and access to health services in Mexico. To this end, access to healthcare data from the 2006 ENCASU and 2011 ENCAS was validated using 2006 and 2012 ENSANU results. Indicators were found to be consistent. A statistical analysis of the distribution of social capital and health indicators by region, as well as by rural or urban area...

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View Resource Social capital in labor market access and poverty in Mexico

Social capital, defined as the set of social networks that a person has in order to obtain benefits, is used by the population as a mechanism for providing resources, to cushion shocks in consumption and to obtain information on available employment opportunities. This study employs a logistic model to characterize the manner in which people access the labor market in Mexico through the use of...

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View Resource The effect of the perception of violence on social capital in Mexico

Increasing levels of violence in Mexico, which have the potential to damage the very fabric of 1 society, as well as impact key economic variables, led us to analyze the effect that changes in the perception of violence had on social capital fluctuations (including associative capital) between 2006 and 2011. This was a period in which an anti-violence and anti-organized crime policy was launched...

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View Resource Do investments in public spaces generate social capital? Evidence for Mexico

The formation of social capital is critical for developing countries. This paper investigates the effects of attempts to recover public spaces in marginalized areas of Mexico. The effects are estimated through balancing in the propensity scores. We focus on the results of perception of safety, support and social capital. When efforts are made to recover public spaces, the perception of safety...

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View Resource Public spaces in Mexico as social cohesion promoters: an structural modeling perspective

This research assessed the effects of several contextual factors (e.g, neighborhood insecurity, evaluation of public spaces, infrastructure, low risk behaviors) on social cohesion and residential satisfaction, in the context of low and medium-low socio economic status of individuals nearby renovated public spaces (parks and recreational facilities) in Mexico. The research method is based on...

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View Resource Mesa redonda sobre la extensión de la protección social a los grupos marginados de las zonas rurales

Memoria que recoge todos los planteamientos emanados de la Mesa Redonda sobre la extensión de la protección social a los grupos marginados de las zonas rurales en la que da a conocer las diferentes alternativas que han generado, tanto las instituciones de seguridad social como los organismos internacionales, para proporcionar protección social a los grupos marginados de las zonas rurales;...

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