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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2005: labor markets and the fragmentation of social insurance, financing for HIV-AIDS by social security (Book review)

The Americas Social Security Report 2005, published by the CISS, gathers the contributions, opinions, and comments of more than 30 social security specialists from different countries in the American continent, as well as the review of the most recent literature on this matter. The purpose is to present, to specialized public and to laymen, a detailed, analytic, and updated report of the...

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View Resource A quantitative analysis of social capital in Mexico

Se ha relacionado el capital social a la eficiencia en los mercados (Arrow, 1972), al refuerzo del contrato (Durlauf y Fafchamps, 2004) y en general al desarrollo y bienestar (Keefer y Knack 1997; Putnam 2000; Knack y Zak 2003). En el presente trabajo hemos investigado los determinantes del capital social empíricamente, centrándose en tres medidas comunes aproximadas de este: dos ligadas a la...

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