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View Resource Los espacios públicos en México como detonadores de la cohesión social: un enfoque de modelado estructural

Esta investigación evaluó los efectos de varios factores contextuales (por ejemplo, la inseguridad vecinal, la evaluación de los espacios públicos, la infraestructura, los comportamientos de bajo riesgo) en materia de cohesión social y de satisfacción residencial, en el contexto de individuos de situación socioeconómica baja y media-baja que se encuentran cerca de espacios públicos (parques e...

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View Resource Academic performance of public university students in Argentina

Designing educational policies under limited budgets requires a thorough analysis of the impact of alternative factors on student performance. This work aims at providing an analysis of the relationship between university performance and its explanatory factors. The analysis Will focus on the Argentinean case, using the 1994 Census of Students in National Universities, which includes data on all...

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View Resource Public spaces in Mexico as social cohesion promoters: an structural modeling perspective

This research assessed the effects of several contextual factors (e.g, neighborhood insecurity, evaluation of public spaces, infrastructure, low risk behaviors) on social cohesion and residential satisfaction, in the context of low and medium-low socio economic status of individuals nearby renovated public spaces (parks and recreational facilities) in Mexico. The research method is based on...

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View Resource Quality of education in Argentina: determinants and distribution using PISA 2000 test scores

In this paper we study the determinants and distribution of learning outcomes in Argentina I measured by PISA 2000 reading and math test scores. To do that, we estimate education production functions at the mean of the distribution using survey regressions and at different parts of the score 's distribution with quantile regressions. In terms of educational policy aimed at improving learning...

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