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Infantil mortality inequities in Colombia: Progress and challenges after major responsability measures from local authorities

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This paper aims to analyse the space and time distribution of the infant mortality rate (IMR) at municipality level in Colombia before and after conferring greater responsibilities to the municipalities for the administration of the local health care systems. Using special econometrics, we find that there is a geographical concentration of IMR persisting over time and defining two groups of municipalities with mortality levels that oppose each other. Additionally, IMR distribution is found to depend on local and neighbouring factors. We conclude that after 18 years of decentralization, differences among municipalities in terms of IMR increased. Decentralization policies’ designs should include the municipalities’ development levels as well as the neighbouring area context in order to improve the results expected from decentralization.
Titulo traducido Inequidades en mortalidad infantil en Colombia: avances y desafíos después de una mayor responsabilidad de las autoridades locales
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Fecha de publicacion 2012
Tipo de recurso
Tipo de documento
Fuente Well-being and Social Policy; vol. 8, no. 1, 2012
Nombre del archivo ADiSS2016-413.pdf
Fecha de emision de registro 2017-02-23 19:46:36
Fecha de creacion 2017-02-23 19:46:47
Ultima modificacion 2022-11-28 19:27:00