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View Resource La protección social y el bienestar de las personas mayores. Intercambio de visión entre investigadores de Alemania, España, Colombia, Canadá y México

En esta publicación se plasman una serie de entrevistas en la que se establece un diálogo dinámico entre diferentes investigadores para explorar diferencias, similitudes y comparaciones en los procesos de envejecimiento de los diferentes países y también en las respuestas y problematizar las diferentes realidades.

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View Resource Pension reform in small emerging economies: Issues and challenges

By 2025, nearly 15 percent of the world population is expected to be over 60 years of age. With increasing life expectancy the population of developing countries is aging much faster than that of industrial countries. It is expected that in 2030, approximately 80 percent of the total elderly population will reside in developing countries. A more relevant measure of the sustainability of old-age...

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View Resource Retirement incentives: pension wealth, accrual and implicit tax

This paper estimates social security financial incentives for early retirement using contemporary techniques developed in economics, and compares these estimates to those estimated for developed countries. I find that implicit tax on continued work increases with age and amounts to over one-third of an individual potential earnings at age sixty-five. The pension replacement rate shows the degree...

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View Resource II High Level Conferences Cycle: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century

In this book compiles the papers presented during the Second High-Level Conference Cycle, titied: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century, which has as its main theme Social Security Reforms and Economic and Social Policies. Such event was held at the seat of the CISS, on September 2, 3, and 4, 1996, and its main objectives were to promote the scientific and multidisciplinary...

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