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View Resource Seguridade social no Brasil

Esta monografía estruturou-se primordialmente com base em urna seleçáo desses estudos, cujo conjunto de idéias fundamentais emanaram dos debates relativos á reforma da Previdéncia Social. Está composta por quatro capítulos; o primario dos quais compreende os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelos doutores André Cezar Médici, Francisco Eduardo Barreto de Oliveira, Kaizó Iwakami Beltráo e Roberto Macado,...

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View Resource Social security in the English-Speaking Caribbean

The study is the result of a comprehensive research effort initiated by the Interamerican Conference on Social Security (CISS). It represents an unenviable attempt to gather and put together information on the basic characteristics of Social Security Schemes (SSS) in the Caribbean. It follows upon a similar undertaking for the Latin American countries. The stages in the evolution of the...

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