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View Resource Informe sobre la seguridad social en América 2006: Los Retos del envejecimiento y la discapacidad: empleo y aseguramiento, y Convenios internacionales de seguridad Social

Los temas elegidos para este Informe 2006 son los siguientes: el mercado de trabajo para los adultos mayores, programas no pensionarios para el adulto mayor, programas de la seguridad social para la discapacidad y convenios internacionales de seguridad social. El Capítulo I investiga la forma en que las personas trabajan durante los años en torno a la edad "oficial" de retiro, así como a la...

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View Resource Social security and inequality in Mexico: from polarization to universality

The article documents the failure of social security in Mexico as an instrument of social protection and evaluates possible reform strategies. It analyses the truncated coverage of these systems for the most vulnerable, the regressive incidence and horizontal inequities of public social security subsidies, and the consequences for old-age poverty and inequalities in basic health opportunities. It...

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View Resource Provisional and welfare inclusion in Brazil (1988-2005): scope and limits

This paper analyses the influence of new rights derived from the Social Security System in Brazil after the Federal Constitution (1988). At least, three different and independent forces determinate the arrangements in social security policies: 1) the new social rights created by constitutional rules in response to social pressure; 2) the decrease of employment and wages in salaried jobs imposed...

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View Resource The political economy of social security reforms in the Americas

This paper analyses the factors affecting the decision to apply a reform (parametric and structural) in the Americas, which may hold a specific set of conditions, i.e. a sui generis political system and a high degree of economic openness, among others. Economic freedom is relevant in the case of structural reforms, while results for the share of older population are not conclusive. It may be that...

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