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View Resource Una aproximación global a los sistemas de seguridad social en América del Norte

Tratando de hacer una aproximación global, tal y como lo indica el título, el trabajo se compone de tres partes básicas. La primera parte aborda los orígenes de cada uno de los sistemas de seguridad social en América del Norte: en Estados Unidos, en Canadá y en México, orígenes que van no sólo a marcar, sino a determinar la evolución futura de los sistemas en lo social, lo político y lo...

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View Resource II High Level Conferences Cycle: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century

In this book compiles the papers presented during the Second High-Level Conference Cycle, titied: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century, which has as its main theme Social Security Reforms and Economic and Social Policies. Such event was held at the seat of the CISS, on September 2, 3, and 4, 1996, and its main objectives were to promote the scientific and multidisciplinary...

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View Resource Social security in United States of America

This monograph describes the health and social security situation in the United States.

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