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View Resource Un análisis cuantitativo del capital social en México

Se ha relacionado el capital social a la eficiencia en los mercados (Arrow, 1972), al refuerzo del contrato (Durlauf y Fafchamps, 2004) y en general al desarrollo y bienestar (Keefer y Knack 1997; Putnam 2000; Knack y Zak 2003). En el presente trabajo hemos investigado los determinantes del capital social empíricamente, centrándose en tres medidas comunes aproximadas de este: dos ligadas a la...

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View Resource Introducción (sobre el tema de capital social que se aborda el presente número de la revista)

En las últimas décadas ha habido un creciente interés por identificar, estimar y relacionar el capital social con diversas variables del bienestar, donde la producción de beneficios o cierto rendimiento es clave. Esta actividad ha implicado la confluencia de diferentes disciplinas como la economía, la sociología, la antropología, la psicología, entre otras. A pesar de que no hay un consenso que...

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View Resource Reseña del libro. New structural economics de Justin Yifu Lin

La crisis financiera internacional detonada en 2008-2009, sus repercusiones en la actividad económica y la divergencia en las respuestas para hacerle frente han dado nueva fuerza al debate entre académicos, representantes de organismos internacionales y funcionarios públicos sobre el alcance de las políticas públicas, tanto para reducir los impactos adversos de los choques externos como para...

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View Resource MiPYME en Costa Rica: crónica sobre su escasa integración en tiempos de una acelerada inserción internacional

El presente documento, está centrado en las Mipyme y en las políticas públicas para su fomento en la economía costarricense. El análisis, se hace a partir de un enfoque alternativo de clasificación de las actividades económicas, el cual permite precisar con mayor detalle las desigualdades entre las actividades tradicionales de amplia trayectoria en la economía, de aquellas actividades que han...

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View Resource Análisis del uso de servicios financieros por parte de las empresas en México: ¿Qué nos dice el Censo Económico 2009?

Se presenta un análisis descriptivo de los resultados del Censo Económico 2009 acerca del uso de créditos y cuentas bancarias entre empresas. Para ello, se le solicitó al INEGI una serie de estadísticas sobre diversas características de las empresas que resultan relevantes en las decisiones de oferta de servicios bancarios. Esta información se solicitó agrupada según diversos segmentos por tamaño...

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View Resource Introducción (sobre los temas que aborda el presente número de la revista)

Las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES) son actores centrales para el desarrollo productivo en América Latina por su contribución a la generación de empleo, su participación en el número total de empresas y, en menor medida, su aportación al producto interno bruto. No obstante, su producción está vinculada principalmente al mercado interno y se caracterizan por una creciente brecha de productividad...

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View Resource Reseña del libro. Empleo, trabajo y desigualdades en salud: una visión global. Joan Benach, Charles Muntaner, Orielle Solar, Vilma Santana y Michael Quinlan

Este interesante libro explora la relación entre las condiciones de empleo y los resultados de salud. Los autores proporcionan un marco conceptual para ilustrar los canales por los que se afectan y determinan los resultados de salud; este marco incluye variables individuales y agregadas, como las condiciones económicas, políticas y ambientales. El libro incluye además casos de estudio que...

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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2006 The challenges of aging and disability: employment and insurance, and international social security agreements (book review)

The 2006 Issue of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is divided in four chapters. The first two chapters address older-adult issues, the third chapter deals with disability-related problems, and the fourth chapter discusses Social Security agreements in the Americas. In the Presentation, it was pointed out that the objective of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is to become...

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View Resource The effect of migration on the labor market outcomes of the sender household: a longitudinal approach using data from Nicaragua

In this paper, I use longitudinal data from the 1998 and 2001 Living Standard Measurement Surveys in Nicaragua to examine the impact of the emigration of household members on the household labor market integration and poverty. The main findings of the paper are that households from which an emigrant left had a reduction in members, a reduction in working members, a reduction in labor income than...

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View Resource Determinantes y desigualdades socioeconómicas en las condiciones de desnutrición infantil de Sri Lanka

A pesar de los múltiples esfuerzos por mitigar la desnutrición que se han realizado a través de los años, ésta afecta a cientos de miles de niños en Sri Lanka. Es de vital importancia entender los factores determinantes y las desigualdades socioeconómicas en las condiciones de desnutrición para poder concentrar la ayuda en grupos socioeconómicos específicos con objeto de mejorar su estado de...

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View Resource Academic performance of public university students in Argentina

Designing educational policies under limited budgets requires a thorough analysis of the impact of alternative factors on student performance. This work aims at providing an analysis of the relationship between university performance and its explanatory factors. The analysis Will focus on the Argentinean case, using the 1994 Census of Students in National Universities, which includes data on all...

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View Resource Are loan guarantees effective? The case of mexican government banks

Mexican Government’s Banks offer loan guarantees to private banks in order to spur credit directed to non-financial small and medium sized firms and this policy is examined here. Application of representative data to the comparative static analysis of the guarantee-use decision suggests that these schemes, as currently designed, are justifiable from an economic viewpoint. However, there is some...

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View Resource Financial development and the distribution of income in Latina America and the Caribbean

One of the central concerns in Latin America an the Caribbean (LAC) has been the reduction of poverty and inequality so prevalent in the continent. Using large world samples, the literature has found that financial development increases economic growth, increases the income of the poor, and reduces inequality. This paper studies the effects of financial development on the whole distribution of...

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View Resource Book review. Beyond survival. Protecting households from health shocks in Latina America, by Baeza, Cristian C., y Truman G. Packard

The book by Cristian Baeza and Truman Packard is based on the next hypothesis: adverse health events reduce the consumption of goods and services different from health services, and many households become poor because of that. While the authors recognize that the evidence they present on the topic is limited, they propose the use of a “universal risk pool” as a way to eliminate the problem of...

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View Resource An investigation into the cost of universal health coverage in Mexico

The Mexican social security system, after operating for over six decades, has managed to provide healthcare for slightly over half the resident population. There are wide geographical and socioeconomic variations in coverage. To provide wider coverage, the Federal Government created the Sistema de Protección Social en Salud (SPSS) for covering low income family. It becomes the third...

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View Resource Financing universal enrollment to social health insurance: lessons learned from Colombia

The paper discusses the financing of the health care reform implemented in Colombia since the early nineties and explains the obstacles faced on the way to universal enrollment to social health insurance. The paper describes the reform and the sources created for its financing. It presents the observed trends in the financing of the insurance schemes created by the reform, identifies the...

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View Resource Understanding ten years of stagnation in Costa Rica's drive for universal coverage

This study analyzes achievements and obstacles in the process of moving towards universal coverage of essential health care services in Costa Rica. It describes the country as exemplary in the region, both in terms of population health status as well as health financing indicators. Life expectancy and the level of pre-payment are both comparable to high income countries. However, the process that...

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View Resource The emerging paradigm in heatlh care policy: the case of Canada

The model of health care financing and delivery for which Canada is best known internationally is its universal, single-payer, first-dollar system of coverage for physician and hospital services. For several decades following its establishment in the late 1950's and 1960's, this model provided public finance from the general tax base (like the UK), at levels of generosity, relative to GDP, like...

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View Resource Introduction (on the subject that is addressed in the issue number)

In this issue of Well-being and Social Policy we have tried to include articles that support the debate around social insurance in health. This is an issue in which simple answers are hardly ever found, and a long term effort is required to understand the idiosyncrasy of each country and the best mix of regulation and financing options. Additionally, the studied cases point out to the need of a...

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View Resource Book review. Public policy for an inclusive growth, edited by Pablo Cotler

The book “Public Policy for an Inclusive Growth” (The book) is an opportune and fortunate document. It is opportune because it is presented at a time in which public policy topics are subject to a wide debate in Mexico, and the discussion is fed with diverse points of view, theoretical and political, from which it is the purpose to analyze, design, redesign, implement, and evaluate the government...

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