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View Resource Restrictions, problems and dilemmas of social provision in Latin America: facing challenges from aging and income inequality

This paper discusses the main restrictions, problems and dilemmas that social provision faces in Latin America in a context of demographic changes and low achievements in the economic performance, particularly in the labor market. It is proposed the need to adapt the general social provision matrix as function of priorities and restrictions set by financing access. Due to the limited labor...

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View Resource The gender impact of social security reform in Latin America

Recent multi-pillar pension reforms tighten the link between payroll contributions and benefits, leading critics to argue that they will hurt women, who have less continuous employment and earn lower wages than men. However, these reforms also remove distortions and target redistributions to low earners, which help women. This paper tests these conflicting claims in the case of three Latin...

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View Resource Los espacios públicos en México como detonadores de la cohesión social: un enfoque de modelado estructural

Esta investigación evaluó los efectos de varios factores contextuales (por ejemplo, la inseguridad vecinal, la evaluación de los espacios públicos, la infraestructura, los comportamientos de bajo riesgo) en materia de cohesión social y de satisfacción residencial, en el contexto de individuos de situación socioeconómica baja y media-baja que se encuentran cerca de espacios públicos (parques e...

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View Resource Response of social security systems to the covid-19 pandemic in the Americas, assessment of the first year of the emergency: The case of Belize

The document begins with a summary of Belize’s general characteristics, followed by a brief description of the development of the pandemic, including the spread of the virus, quarantine measures, mortality rate, and vaccination. The third section describes the different branches covered by the social security system and the way they responded to covid-19. Finally, any other program or policy...

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