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View Resource Los sistemas de salud en las Américas y el Caribe ante la pandemia COVID-19: un desafío hacia la universalidad

Una de las conclusiones que se expresan en el documento refiere que uno de los grandes retos a resolver es garantizar el acceso y la cobertura universal de la salud con un modelo de atención integral. Para esto se requiere una mayor inversión en salud pública y una revisión de la eficiencia en su gestión, contemplar la importancia de los riesgos laborales del personal de salud, el acceso...

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View Resource Nota técnica. La seguridad social como derecho humano. Un medio para alcanzar el bienestar y la dignidad humana

La presente nota técnica hace un recuento de la presencia que los organismos internacionales encargados de la promoción de la seguridad social en los estados tienen en cuanto a sus miembros, en la cual se destaca el papel de la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS) como la más antigua en América, la que mayor cobertura de países miembros pertenecientes al continente tiene y sobre...

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View Resource Reseña del texto: Cuchcatla Méndez, Crisna, Rodríguez Piña Yunuen Nicte, Escalante Rivas, Nanci, “Seguridad social, trabajo y derechos humanos para las personas mayores en la América Latina y el Caribe”.

En este documento se presenta una reseña del Cuaderno de Políticas para el Bienestar, No. 11, Seguridad Social, trabajo y derechos humanos para las personas mayores en la América Latina y el Caribe, los autores Cuchcatla C., Rodríguez Y. y Escalante N. En la que precisa que dicho documento hace un recuento descriptivo de la situación demográfica por la que atraviesa la región Latinoamericana...

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View Resource Palabras del Dr. Luis José Martínez Villalba, director del Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social

Discurso del director del CIESS, con motivo al Cuadragésimo aniversario del Centro. Speech by Director of CIESS, during the Fortieth anniversary of the Centre.

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View Resource Las técnicas económicas de evaluación de la eficiencia de los programas y servicios de salud

El objetivo del artículo consiste en presentar los dos grupos más importantes de técnicas para la evaluación micro-económica de la eficiencia de los servicios de salud. En primer lugar se describen las técnicas de medida de la eficiencia en la producción de servicios de salud basadas en el enfoque llamado “de frontera”: las técnicas paramétricas y no paramétricas. En segundo lugar, se describen...

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View Resource La seguridad social hoy frente al envejecimiento del futuro

El presente documento tiene como propósito, exponer lo que la seguridad social significa como derecho humano, independiente de una condición laboral y cómo es que se convierte en un derecho esencial para las personas, y más cuando la vulnerabilidad se hace presente en la etapa de vejez de las personas; y en el propio envejecimiento demográfico que las subregiones de la Conferencia Interamericana...

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View Resource Public spaces in Mexico as social cohesion promoters: an structural modeling perspective

This research assessed the effects of several contextual factors (e.g, neighborhood insecurity, evaluation of public spaces, infrastructure, low risk behaviors) on social cohesion and residential satisfaction, in the context of low and medium-low socio economic status of individuals nearby renovated public spaces (parks and recreational facilities) in Mexico. The research method is based on...

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View Resource Assessing changes in household access to financial services in Mexico: an analysis of the BANSEFI/SAGARPA panel survey 2004-2007

In March 2004, BANSEFI and SAGARPA began a project to examine the impact on households I of the Program to Strengthen the Popular Credit and Savings Sector (Programa de Fortalecimiento del Sector de Ahorro y Crédito Popular), which was designed to help non-bank financial intermediaries to abide by the Ley de Ahorro y Crédito Popular (LACP), passed by the Mexican Congress in 2001. During the...

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View Resource Hurricane Mitch and consumption growth of nicaraguan agricultural households

There is little micro-evidence on the persistence of natural disasters' welfare impacts. This paper assesses the effect of Hurricane Mitch on consumption of Nicaraguan agricultura) households. Mitch occurred in October 1998. Pre-post data is obtained from a nationally representative panel collected in 1998 and 2001. An additional survey was fielded in 1999 for households from the panel affected...

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View Resource Natural disasters and poverty in Latin America: welfare impacts and social protection solutions

The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Mexico jointly organized the conference “Natural Disasters in Latin America: Welfare Impacts and Social Protection Solutions” held in Mexico City in January 2010. The main objectives of the conference were to improve the understanding of (i) how natural disasters affect...

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View Resource Book review. Informe de evaluación de la política de desarrollo social en México 2008, CONEVAL

The Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico was published by the National Council for Social Development Policy Evaluation (CONEVAL) in 2008. The Council is one of the constituting elements of the new institutional framework to evaluate the public sector performance, particularly social development policies that were put in place mostly during the first decade of this century....

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View Resource Impact on earning, employment prospects and timing out of unemployment of mexican programs targeted at unemployed individuals: challenges

his paper presents estimates of the impact of programs for unemployed workers on the performance of program beneficiaries in Mexico. We emphasize the significance of applying methodologies capable of avoiding statistical bias attributable to unobserved variables when measuring the impact on earnings and allowing to us properly estimate unemployment duration and work status after exiting from...

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View Resource PANES: targeting and impact

This research paper intends to quantifit targeting performance in terms of the efficiency of the 1 National Plan for Social Emergency Assistance (PANES) implemented in Uruguay between 2005 and 2007 and determine its impact on relevant issues such as school attendance, child labor and the labor market. For this analysis , we used 2006 and 2007 Continual Household Survey (ECH) data. Our outcomes...

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View Resource Evaluating rural electrification projects: methodological approaches

In recent years, the international community has expanded efforts in program evaluation to improve the accountability of development projects. This paper presents approaches to implementing state of the art evaluations in rural electrification projects, taking into account specific challenges that researchers face in such interventions. II suggests an approach to assess impacts before an...

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View Resource Toward closing the evaluation gap: lessons from three recent impact evaluations of social programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Despite recent growing demand from funders and governments, rigorous impact evaluations in Latin America and the Caribbean remain the exception rather than the rule. Many commissioned impact evaluations are methodologically weak, and thus only marginally useful in assessing the impact of social interventions. Other impact evaluations feature strong research methodologies at their conception, but...

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View Resource Book review. The economics of microfinance, by Beatriz Armendáriz de Aghion and Jonathan Morduch

The book by Armendáriz and Morduch focuses on how microfinance institutions work, what has been their impact and whether they are financially sustainable. For such purpose the book can be divided—from my viewpoint—into six sections. The first describes the environment of imperfect information that surrounds credit transactions and the consequences that this entails. First the authors define in a...

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View Resource Strategic map of financial inclusion: a working tool

Various circumstances make difficult the rigorous study of processes, strategies and impact of V the efforts of financial inclusion and penetration, either at the academie level, in the public policy area or in companies and organizations of financial services industry. The central problem in Mexico has been the lack of a unified agreement on the definition and the low comprehension level of the...

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View Resource Introduction of basic accounts in Mexico to address the issue of access to the banking system: design and expected impact

This article presents the Mexican experience with the introduction of basic transaction accounts. Basic accounts are relatively cheap simple banking products with restricted functionality targeted at social groups that have limited access to transaction accounts. In Mexico, basic payroll accounts and accounts for the general public were introduced. By law, these products must be offered by all...

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View Resource Do shocks affect poverty persistance? Evidence using welfare trajectories from Nicaragua

Shocks are often primarily associated with downward mobility or short-term movements in and out of poverty. However, households at the bottom of the welfare distribution are likely to face the most constraints to access insurance mechanisms. In this paper, we consider whether shocks directly affect poverty persistence. In order to analyze the impact of shocks on households’ welfare path over time...

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View Resource Ampliación del módulo de consulta externa de pediatría del consultorio del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social, en el municipio de San José Pínula, Guatemala

El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de ampliación realizado al módulo de consulta externa de Pediatría del consultorio del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social, municipio de San José Pinula, Guatemala. Uno de los problemas que afronta cualquier institución que presta asistencia a la población está relacionado con los espacios físicos para mejorar la calidad de sus servicios.

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