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View Resource Catastrophic expenditure in health and income elasticities by item of expenditure in health services in Mexico

The objective of this article is to put in economic perspective the expenditure in health within the pattern of family expenditure of the Mexican households. Information of the National Survey on Income Expenditure of Households (ENIGH) of Mexico of 2004 is analyzed on: structure of the expenditure of the households, expenditure in health and income-expenditure elasticities in health; by...

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View Resource Boletín CIESS, No. 28

En este número se hace referencia sobre el ejercicio académico del CIESS durante el año de 1997 que se basó en cinco diplomados, dos cursos, un seminario y cuatro cursos-taller, todos ellos interdisciplinarios y sobre temas prioritarios en el análisis de las perspectivas pública, mixta y privada de la seguridad social. En la que a participación de 808 funcionarios de la seguridad social americana...

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