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(4 colecciones) (54 resources)

Financiamiento -- Financiamiento

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Financiamiento (47)
Inversión (12)
Mercado financiero (3)
Seguros (3)

Ver detalles Longevity risk and private pensions

This paper examines how uncertainty regarding future mortality and life expectancy outcomes, i.e. longevity risk, affects employer-provided defined benefit (DB) private pension plans liabilities. The paper argues that to assess uncertainty and associated risks adequately, a stochastic approach to model mortality and life expectancy is preferable because it permits to attach probabilities to...

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Ver detalles Governments and the market for longevity-indexed bonds

Uncertainty about length of life, longevity risk, is a growing financial problem for pension funds and annuity providers. They would like to transfer longevity risk away to institutions better placed to deal with it. Unfortunately, there is a lack of financial instruments to hedge against this longevity risk, thereby complicating risk management by pension funds and hindering the expansion of the...

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Ver detalles Benefit security pension fund guarantee schemes

The issue of pension benefit security has returned to the foreground of both economic and political debate in many OECD countries - following high profile losses of pension benefits due to plan sponsors becoming bankrupt and leaving underfunded pension schemes. Some countries have dealt with pension benefit protection via strong funding rules (the route taken for example by the Dutch authorities)....

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Ver detalles Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Issues

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are pools of assets owned and managed directly or indirectly by governments to achieve national objectives. These funds have raised concerns about: (i) financial stability, (ii) corporate governance and (iii) political interference and protectionism. At the same time governments have formed other large pools of capital to finance public pension systems, i.e. Public...

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Ver detalles Evaluating the Impact of Risk Based Funding Requirements on Pension Funds

The objective of this study is to analyse what the quantitative funding requirements for pension funds with defined benefit plans would be, if Solvency II (based on the QIS 3 methodology) would be applied. Also possible extensions of the Solvency II methodology that seem necessary in order to reflect the specifics of pension funds will be discussed. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar cuáles...

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Ver detalles Funding Regulations and Risk Sharing

This paper provides a description of the risk-sharing features of pension plan design in selected OECD and non-OECD countries and how they correspond with the funding rules applied to pension funds. In addition to leading to a better understanding of differences in funding rules across countries with developed pension fund systems, the study considers the trend towards risk-based regulation. While...

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Ver detalles Ageing and the Payout Phase of Pensions, Annuities and Financial Markets

This paper reviews the impact of ageing on private pensions, in particular on the payout phase, assesses the part that annuities can play in financing retirement, and examines the role of financial markets in facilitating the allocation on assets accumulated in defined contribution pension plans. A comprehensive set of recommendations for discussion is provided at the end of the paper. Este...

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Ver detalles Investment Risk and Pensions: Measuring Uncertainty in Returns

This paper explores how uncertainty over investment returns affects pension systems. This issue is becoming more important because of the dramatic spread of defined-contribution pension provision around the world. It has also been highlighted by the recent financial crisis: the OECD estimates that pension funds lost 23% of their value in 2008, worth a heady USD 5.4 trillion. The scale of...

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Ver detalles La inclusión financiera, y no el tamaño del sector, es la clave para abordar la desigualdad de ingreso

En este documento realizamos un análisis empírico acerca de si la inclusión financiera contribuye a reducir la desigualdad de ingreso cuando se controla por otros factores fundamentales, tales como el desarrollo económico y la política fiscal. Concluimos que la inclusión financiera contribuye a reducir la desigualdad de ingreso de forma significativa, mientras que esto no es así para el tamaño del...

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Ver detalles Diagnóstico del sistema de pensiones

Contar con un sistema de pensiones robusto es esencial para garantizar que los individuos tengan los recursos necesarios para su retiro y una vida digna en su vejez. Dado que los individuos tienden a preocuparse por su vejez en edades cercanas al retiro, lo anterior requiere de la implementación de un sistema regulado y supervisado. En la juventud, se tienen otras prioridades como estudiar,...

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