Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are pools of assets owned and managed directly or indirectly by governments to achieve national objectives. These funds have raised concerns about: (i) financial stability, (ii) corporate governance and (iii) political interference and protectionism. At the same time governments have formed other large pools of capital to finance public pension systems, i.e. Public...
This paper explores how uncertainty over investment returns affects pension systems. This issue is becoming more important because of the dramatic spread of defined-contribution pension provision around the world. It has also been highlighted by the recent financial crisis: the OECD estimates that pension funds lost 23% of their value in 2008, worth a heady USD 5.4 trillion. The scale of...
Despite the decades of international climate negotiations and several landmark agreements, global efforts to date to restrict fossil fuel production in line with climate targets have been unsuccessful. As national and international policies continue to fall short of phasing out fossil fuels, increasing attention has been paid to non-state actors, like pension funds, as a potential source of more...
Este artículo analiza la contribución de BanEcuador B.P. en cuanto a la inclusión financiera de los beneficiarios/as de Bono de Desarrollo Humano y Pensiones (en adelante, BDH y Pensiones) en Ecuador durante el periodo 2018-2020. La dimensión de “acceso” financiero constituye un indicador fiable de inclusión financiera. El propósito es determinar el grado de inclusión financiera de los...