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(3 colecciones) (189 resources)

Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Financiación de la seguridad social

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Financiación de la seguridad social (165)
Fondos de jubilación (93)
Métodos de financiación (57)

Ver detalles Annual DC Pension Statements and the Communications Challenge

This paper examines and evaluates the content and design of the annual pension statement sent to members of funded defined contribution (DC) pension schemes in a selection of OECD and non-OECD countries. The aims of the research are to identify the potential shortcomings in statement planning and design processes, to consider potential barriers in communications to members, and to highlight trends...

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Ver detalles Coverage of Private Pension Systems: Evidence and Policy Options

To adapt pension systems to demographic trends, many countries are reducing pay-as-you-go public pension levels and lifting retirement ages. In this context, funded pensions could play a major role to avoid adequacy gaps. Yet, as this paper shows, the coverage of funded private pensions, as measured by enrolment rates, is highly uneven across countries and between individuals, especially in...

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Ver detalles Identification and Assessment of Publicly Available Data Sources to Calculate Indicators of Private Pensions

Considering the growing role of private and funded pension provision and the sensitivity of private pension provision to the economic climate, there is an increasing need of comparable and reliable information on private pension plans in order to better monitor retirement income adequacy and the role of private provision in retirement income. Key indicators of the extent to which private pension...

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Ver detalles Financial Education, Savings and Investments: An Overview

Savings and investments by individuals are important both for personal financial well-being and for economic growth. Many governments try to encourage their citizens to save more, or to save more appropriately, by preferring formal institutions to informal saving and by promoting more diversification. However, there are considerable barriers to saving, including limited access to financial markets...

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Ver detalles Trends in Large Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure

Favourable conditions such as the growth of pension fund assets, privatisation trends and changing regulations have increased the interest of institutional investors in infrastructure investment. However, data on pension fund investment in infrastructure is limited. National statistical agencies do not currently collect separate data on these investments, and the different modes available to...

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Ver detalles The Effect of Solvency Regulations and Accounting Standards on Long-Term Investing: Implications for Insurers and Pension Funds

This report reviews recent as well as planned changes to accounting and solvency regulations affecting insurers and pension funds and how they may impact long-term investing by these institutions. The review of existing evidence focuses mainly on the impact of risk-based solvency requirements, identifying instances where such regulations may have driven changes in investment strategies and...

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Ver detalles Policyholder Protection Schemes: Selected Considerations

This paper investigates policyholder protection schemes in OECD member countries and selected non-OECD countries. It is selective in its scope: it examines the rationale for a policyholder protection scheme; the relationship between certain design features and moral hazard; the role of a policyholder protection scheme within the overall resolution framework; and some cross-border features of these...

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Ver detalles Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure: A Comparison Between Australia and Canada

Australian and Canadian pension funds have been pioneers in infrastructure investing since the early 1990s. They also have the highest asset allocation to infrastructure around the globe today. This paper compares and contrasts the experience of institutional investors in the two countries looking at factors such as infrastructure policies, the pension system, investment strategies and governance...

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Ver detalles Pension Schemes for the Self-Employed in OECD Countries

The self-employed workers make up a small but significant minority of the workforce in many OECD countries. Moreover, transitions into and out of self-employment have become much more common for a larger group of workers. It is therefore of critical importance to review and assess the pension schemes available to self-employed workers across OECD countries. Given employment and income patterns...

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Ver detalles Pension reform in Chile revisited: what has been learned?

The paper describes Chile’s pension reform of 1980, which replaced the existing pay-as-you-go public pension programs by a new funded pension program managed by private companies (the “AFP´s”). It comments on the main results of this reform so far, and identifies the current challenges faced by the country’s pension system. The paper also describes the changes introduced to Chile’s pension system...

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