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Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Financiación de la seguridad social -- Financiación de la seguridad social

Ver detalles Reversing pension privatization. The experience of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Hungary

This paper systematically compares and evaluates the reforms of private pensions systems in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Hungary due to initial failures in design and performance after its implementation. The document presents advantages and flaws of the structural reforms and private pension systems before the re-reform and analyses legal features and socio-economic effects of the re-reforms....

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Ver detalles Social protection global policy trends 2010-2015: from fiscal consolidation to expanding social protection: key to crisis recovery, inclusive development and social justice

This policy paper: (i) examines IMF government spending projections for 181 countries, identifying two main phases: fiscal expansion (2008-2009) and fiscal consolidation (2010 onwards); (ii) presents the main adjustment measures considered since 2010 and their adverse socio-economic impacts in both high income and developing countries; (iii) analyses divergent trends in social protection across...

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Ver detalles A Reporting Standard for Defined Contribution Pension Plans

We propose a method for projecting pension benefits, deriving from DC pension plans and other funded products, at retirement. Projections highlight how the current choice of asset allocation impacts on future potential retirement outcomes. The latter are compared with a money-back benchmark so as to clarify the trade-off between risk and return. After the initial projections, the pension plan...

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Ver detalles Estudio Actuarial de los Fondos de Cesantía 2008

El presente documento constituye el informe final elaborado por Rodrigo Cerda y Fernando Coloma, que han desarrollado el estudio actuarial correspondiente al año 2008.

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Ver detalles Carteras Referenciales y Esquema de Premios y Castigos para los Fondos de Cesantía

Este documento tiene por objeto presentar la metodología utilizada en la elección de benchmarks exógenos para los fondos del Seguro de Cesantía, reconociendo sus distintos objetivos. La cartera referencial del Fondo de Cuentas Individuales de Cesantía (CIC) no considera inversión en renta variable con el objeto de minimizar la volatilidad de las cuentas individuales, en cambio, la cartera...

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Ver detalles Market Design for the Provision of Social Insurance: The Case of Disability and Survivors Insurance in Chile

As part of the pension reform recently approved in Chile, the government introduced a centralized auction mechanism to provide the Disability and Survivors (D&S) Insurance that covers recent contributors among the more than 8 million participants in the mandatory private pension system. This paper is intended as a case study presenting the main distortions found in the decentralized operation of...

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Ver detalles Pension Funds And Capital Market Development: How Much Bang For The Buck?

This paper studies the relation between institutional investors and capital market development by analyzing unique data on monthly asset-level portfolio allocations of Chilean pension funds between 1995 and 2005. The results depict pension funds as large and important institutional investors that tend to hold a large amount of bank deposits, government paper, and short-term assets; buy and hold...

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Ver detalles Portfolio choice, minimum return guarantees, and competition in DC pension systems

Regulation in countries that have adopted defined contribution (DC) pension systems based on savings accounts typically includes minimum return guarantees (MRG) provisions to limit the risk of financial downturns. This paper studies the consequences of this regulation over asset allocation within a standard model of dynamic portfolio selection, where managers act strategically while making their...

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Ver detalles Esquema de multifondos en Chile

Este artículo analiza el sistema de multifondos para el caso de Chile, describiendo su evolución desde su creación, en lo que respecta a inversiones, la elección de tipo de fondo por parte de los afiliados, y su composición por tramos de edad. Se describen los aspectos más relevantes de la normativa vigente y se analiza el desempeño de los multifondos durante la crisis financiera. Respecto a este...

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Ver detalles Did chileans maximize pensions when choosing between PAYG and DC?

In 1981 Chile was the first country in the world to privitise its pension system moving from a traditional unfunded pay-as-you-go scheme (PAYG), where benefits are defined ex-ante by a final salary formula, to a Defined Contributions (DC) scheme where each individual's benefit depends entirely on his own pension savings. Individuals in the labour market at the time of the reform were given the...

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