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Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Financiación de la seguridad social -- Financiación de la seguridad social

Ver detalles Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Issues

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are pools of assets owned and managed directly or indirectly by governments to achieve national objectives. These funds have raised concerns about: (i) financial stability, (ii) corporate governance and (iii) political interference and protectionism. At the same time governments have formed other large pools of capital to finance public pension systems, i.e. Public...

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Ver detalles Evaluating the Impact of Risk Based Funding Requirements on Pension Funds

The objective of this study is to analyse what the quantitative funding requirements for pension funds with defined benefit plans would be, if Solvency II (based on the QIS 3 methodology) would be applied. Also possible extensions of the Solvency II methodology that seem necessary in order to reflect the specifics of pension funds will be discussed. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar cuáles...

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Ver detalles Funding Regulations and Risk Sharing

This paper provides a description of the risk-sharing features of pension plan design in selected OECD and non-OECD countries and how they correspond with the funding rules applied to pension funds. In addition to leading to a better understanding of differences in funding rules across countries with developed pension fund systems, the study considers the trend towards risk-based regulation. While...

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Ver detalles Ageing and the Payout Phase of Pensions, Annuities and Financial Markets

This paper reviews the impact of ageing on private pensions, in particular on the payout phase, assesses the part that annuities can play in financing retirement, and examines the role of financial markets in facilitating the allocation on assets accumulated in defined contribution pension plans. A comprehensive set of recommendations for discussion is provided at the end of the paper. Este...

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Ver detalles The Role of Pension Funds in Financing Green Growth Initiatives

It is estimated that transitioning to a low-carbon, and climate resilient economy, and more broadly „greening growth? over the next 20 years to 2030 will require significant investment and consequently private sources of capital on a much larger scale than previously. With their USD 28 trillion in assets, pension funds - along with other institutional investors - potentially have an important role...

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Ver detalles Identification and Assessment of Publicly Available Data Sources to Calculate Indicators of Private Pensions

Considering the growing role of private and funded pension provision and the sensitivity of private pension provision to the economic climate, there is an increasing need of comparable and reliable information on private pension plans in order to better monitor retirement income adequacy and the role of private provision in retirement income. Key indicators of the extent to which private pension...

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Ver detalles Financial Education, Savings and Investments: An Overview

Savings and investments by individuals are important both for personal financial well-being and for economic growth. Many governments try to encourage their citizens to save more, or to save more appropriately, by preferring formal institutions to informal saving and by promoting more diversification. However, there are considerable barriers to saving, including limited access to financial markets...

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Ver detalles Trends in Large Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure

Favourable conditions such as the growth of pension fund assets, privatisation trends and changing regulations have increased the interest of institutional investors in infrastructure investment. However, data on pension fund investment in infrastructure is limited. National statistical agencies do not currently collect separate data on these investments, and the different modes available to...

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Ver detalles The Effect of Solvency Regulations and Accounting Standards on Long-Term Investing: Implications for Insurers and Pension Funds

This report reviews recent as well as planned changes to accounting and solvency regulations affecting insurers and pension funds and how they may impact long-term investing by these institutions. The review of existing evidence focuses mainly on the impact of risk-based solvency requirements, identifying instances where such regulations may have driven changes in investment strategies and...

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Ver detalles Policyholder Protection Schemes: Selected Considerations

This paper investigates policyholder protection schemes in OECD member countries and selected non-OECD countries. It is selective in its scope: it examines the rationale for a policyholder protection scheme; the relationship between certain design features and moral hazard; the role of a policyholder protection scheme within the overall resolution framework; and some cross-border features of these...

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