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(11 colecciones) (1063 resources)

Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Protección social

Categorias Classifications
Desempleo (28)
Invalidez (37)
Lesiones o enfermedades profesionales (84)
Maternidad (20)
Niños (19)
Protección social (672)
Regímenes de seguridad social (13)
Responsabilidades familiares (3)
Salud (1004)
Transferencias condicionadas (6)
Vejez (805)

Ver detalles Identification and Assessment of Publicly Available Data Sources to Calculate Indicators of Private Pensions

Considering the growing role of private and funded pension provision and the sensitivity of private pension provision to the economic climate, there is an increasing need of comparable and reliable information on private pension plans in order to better monitor retirement income adequacy and the role of private provision in retirement income. Key indicators of the extent to which private pension...

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Ver detalles The impact of taxes and social spending on inequality and poverty in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru: a synthesis of results

We apply a standard tax and benefit incidence analysis to estimate the impact on inequality and poverty of direct taxes, indirect taxes and subsidies, and social spending (cash and food transfers and in-kind transfers in education and health). The extent of inequality reduction induced by direct taxes and transfers is rather small (2 percentage points on average) especially when compared with that...

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Ver detalles Transferencias condicionadas y violencia: resultados inesperados de "Estudia y Progresa"

El presente "policy brief" presenta los efectos sobre indicadores escolares, violencia doméstica y patrón de gasto de los hogares del programa "Estudia y Progresa". Entre las lecciones aprendidas se destacan: a) las transferencias condicionadas en dinero son herramientas efectivas para reducir la vulnerabilidad de familias en condición de pobreza, y en este sentido las autoridades encargadas de...

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Ver detalles Social Protection, Entrepreneurship and Labour Market Activation: Evidence for Better Policies

The report’s primary aim was to present the evidence on the impact of social protection on labour supply and women’s empowerment in Latin America. However, the chapter titled- ‘ Intended and Unintended Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers to Elderly People: The Case of Bolivia’s Renta Dignidad’ pg13-15 provides useful information on the social pension in Bolivia. El principal objetivo del...

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Ver detalles Aging and Financial Inclusion: An Opportunity

This report provides a broad view on income security in older age in low and middle-income countries. It suggests that social pensions can and should provide an essential floor of income in later life. Yet it recognizes that nearly all people will need to put in place varied income strategies for themselves beyond pensions. Este informe ofrece una visión amplia de seguridad de los ingresos en la...

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Ver detalles OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Mexico

This review assesses the Mexican pension system on the basis of OECD best practices in pension design and presents various proposals to improve the Mexican pension system and guarantee its sustainability in the long term. Esta revisión evalúa el sistema mexicano de pensiones sobre la base de las mejores prácticas de la OCDE en el diseño de las pensiones y presenta diferentes propuestas para...

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Ver detalles Estudios de la OCDE sobre los sistemas de pensiones: México. Síntesis

Las reformas al Sistema de Pensiones de México, particularmente la introducción de un sistema de cuentas individuales de contribución definida, han mejorado significativamente su sostenibilidad financiera. Estas reformas han incluido a trabajadores del sector privado asegurados por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), a empleados del gobierno federal asegurados por el Instituto de...

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Ver detalles Achieving higher performance: Enhancing spending efficiency in health and education in Mexico

Despite progress over the past two decades Mexico health and education indicators remain well below the average of the OECD and some of its Latin American emerging market peers. Health insurance coverage is incomplete, especially for low-income families, and access to health services is highly uneven. There are several separate vertically integrated insurance networks, which increases...

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Ver detalles Investment Risk and Pensions: Measuring Uncertainty in Returns

This paper explores how uncertainty over investment returns affects pension systems. This issue is becoming more important because of the dramatic spread of defined-contribution pension provision around the world. It has also been highlighted by the recent financial crisis: the OECD estimates that pension funds lost 23% of their value in 2008, worth a heady USD 5.4 trillion. The scale of...

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Ver detalles Cuentas de salud reproductiva y equidad de género. Estimación 2013 y comparativo 2003-2013

Las Cuentas en Salud Reproductiva y Equidad de Género (CSRyEG) 2003-2013 son una herramienta que da seguimiento a decisiones tomadas en relación con los montos que se gastan en los principales programas de salud reproductiva. Se abordan 11 puntos comparables vinculados con salud materno-infantil, planificación familiar, cáncer cervicouterino, cáncer de mama, cáncer de próstata, equidad de género y...

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