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(4 colecciones) (329 resources)

Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Protección social -- Vejez

Categorias Classifications
Asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada (32)
Jubilación (222)
Régimen de pensión profesional (8)
Régimenes de pensiones (215)

Ver detalles The effects of social pensions on mortality among the extreme poor elderly

We study the effects of Peru’s social pension programme Pension 65 on mortality. The programme provides pensions to people aged 65 and older who do not have other pensions and are extreme poor. The analysis relies on survey data obtained at the baseline and matched to mortality records of 2012-2019. We exploit the discontinuity around the welfare index used by the programme to determine...

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Ver detalles Tendencias y desafíos en las políticas públicas para el bienestar del adulto mayor: Un análisis desde la perspectiva en México

O presente documento tem como objetivo examinar as políticas públicas de envelhecimento no México, a fim de compreender sua abrangência, impacto e desafios. É importante destacar que o envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno global que também afeta o México, e tem sido acentuado pela pandemia de COVID-19. Será realizado uma análise abrangente dos antecedentes históricos e da evolução das...

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Ver detalles Health Effects of Increasing Income for the Elderly: Evidence from a Chilean Pension Program

We estimate the effect of a permanent income increase on the health outcomes of the elderly poor. Our regression discontinuity design exploits an eligibility cutoff in a Chilean basic pension program that grants monthly payments to retirees without a contributory pension. Using administrative data, we find that four years after applying, basic pension recipients are 2.7 percentage points less...

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Ver detalles An Assessment of the 2019 and 2020 Pension Reforms in Mexico

In recent years the Mexican pension system has changed significantly. In 2019 the existing means-tested social pension was made universal – covering everyone over the age of 65 – and the benefit level increased. In 2020, the main regime of the private sector was substantially reformed, increasing contribution rates for the funded defined contribution system, lowering the minimum years of...

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Ver detalles The effect of Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of future retirees in Chile

Chile implemented large pension withdrawals during the Covid pandemic. Afterwards, Chile increased non-contributory benefits in a quasi-universal scheme. Simulating future pensions, I show that the average loss in contributory pension income is 27.9%, with losses of 23.9% and 31.4% for men and women, respectively. After accounting for public transfers, the average loss in total pension income is...

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Ver detalles Reshaping Retirement: Navigating Latin America’s Pension Systems after COVID-19

In the wake of the global turmoil unleashed by COVID-19, Latin America and the Caribbean faces a glaring gap in understanding the impact of the pandemic on pension systems. Through a collaboration between research centers across the region and the Inter-American Development Bank, this book aims to fill that gap. Case studies focusing on Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, and Peru explore the...

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Ver detalles Assessing Chile’s Pension System: Challenges and Reform Options

This paper takes stock of Chile’s defined contribution pension system and assesses reform options aimed at increasing replacement rates. An international comparison shows that, despite being quite influential when established, it is now delivering low replacement rates relative to OECD peers, as its parameters did not adapt over time to changing demographics, declining global returns,...

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Ver detalles Between Beveridge and Bismarck: Preferences for redistribution through public pensions

Citizens and politicians rely on their knowledge of a pension system, particularly its redistributive features, when forming their preferences and evaluating its fairness. Taking advantage of the Bismarckian rule of proportionality in Germany, we provide experimental and survey-based evidence indicating that voters and politicians adjust their preferences and perceptions of fairness when new...

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Ver detalles Pension reform policy in Latin America: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis

Latin American countries have been at the forefront of pension privatization and since 2008 they have also pioneered reform reversals. Previous studies have focused on single cases or a small number of them, given that pension reform is a complex phenomenon arising from the combination of different causes. Using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), the article analyzes a set of 32...

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Ver detalles El sistema de pensiones en Colombia: perspectivas y riesgos fiscales con base en las normas vigentes

Este documento presenta proyecciones sobre el gasto fiscal asociado con Colpensiones y los regímenes especiales que conforman el sistema pensional de Colombia con las normas vigentes en 2024. Bajo supuestos convencionales sobre longevidad, formalidad y una tasa de crecimiento económico de largo plazo del 3,3%, el gasto público en pensiones se mantendría en niveles inferiores al 3,6% del PIB...

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