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(4 colecciones) (329 resources)

Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Protección social -- Vejez

Categorias Classifications
Asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada (32)
Jubilación (222)
Régimen de pensión profesional (8)
Régimenes de pensiones (215)

Ver detalles Conditioning public pensions on health: effects on capital accumulation and welfare

This paper develops an overlapping generations model that links a public health system to a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension system. It relies on two assumptions. First, the health system directly finances curative health spending on the elderly. Second, public pensions partially depend on health status by introducing a component indexed to society's average level of old-age disability. Reducing the...

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Ver detalles Redistributive pensions in the developing world

Redistributive so-called social pension schemes have seen a remarkable surge in developing countries. These schemes often target the rural elderly and correlate with urbanization rates, urban rural-wage differentials, and family norms. We use this stylized evidence to motivate a political economy model for a Beveridgean pension system with trade-offs between four groups: the (poorer) rural old and...

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Ver detalles Lifetime Survivor Pensions of Daughters of Military Personnel and Educational Choices in Brazil

This paper investigates whether the expectation of a future lifetime survivor pension affects the educational choices of individuals and their families, focusing on the case of military daughters in Brazil. To assess this effect, we exploit a policy reform in the early 2000s that eliminated permanent pensions. The empirical analysis is based on microdata on daughters of different cohorts, and the...

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Ver detalles Minimum eligibility age for social pensions and household poverty: Evidence from Mexico

This paper examines the impact of social pensions on old‐age poverty. To achieve causal identification, we leverage the reduction in the minimum eligibility age of Mexico's flagship non‐means‐tested social pension program. We find that the program's expansion significantly reduced extreme poverty, mainly among indigenous seniors and in rural areas. However, it had negligible effects on labor force...

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Ver detalles Partial Retirement and Labor Supply: Evidence from Swedish Collective Bargaining Agreements

Aging populations strain pension systems, prompting policymakers to introduce partial retirement schemes to incentivize workers to retire later. I study the impact of introducing partial retirement within collective bargaining agreements in Sweden’s manufacturing sector in 2013. Merging collective bargaining data with administrative records, I employ a difference-in-differences methodology to...

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Ver detalles Oportunidades y opciones para la creación de un sistema de pensiones no contributivo en Honduras

Uno de los objetivos centrales de los sistemas de pensiones es contribuir a prevenir y erradicar la pobreza en la vejez. En América Latina y el Caribe los sistemas de pensiones no contributivos han jugado un papel central en el avance hacia este objetivo. Este documento aborda el estado actual y los desafíos del sistema de pensiones en Honduras, incluidos los retos de cobertura y suficiencia de...

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Ver detalles Towards better social protection for more workers in Latin America

Informality is a long-standing structural challenge of Latin American labour markets, as almost half of people in the region live in a household that depends solely on informal employment. Informal workers are often insufficiently covered by social protection policies, for which the eligibility is often tied to formal-sector employment. The need to reform social protection systems across Latin...

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Ver detalles Sistema privado de pensiones y financiamiento de los principales grupos económicos: Perú 1996-2020

El objetivo del artículo es determinar el nivel de concentración de las inversiones del sistema privado de pensiones (SPP) en los principales grupos económicos de capitales peruanos durante el periodo 1996-2020. El enfoque de investigación fue descriptivo y se utilizaron las estadísticas del SPP que publica la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) de fin de periodo sobre la estructura de...

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Ver detalles Organización social como sentido de pertenencia en jubilados pensionistas del seguro social campesino

Es necesario motivar el sentido de pertenencia de los jubilados del SSC del dispensario Sigsillano, a su organización e institución, a través de la planificación de actividades que respondan a sus propias necesidades, lo que permitirá el fortalecimiento individual y colectivo. Metodológicamente fue descriptiva, aplicándose encuesta a 17 jubilados pensionistas, orientadas a la participación activa,...

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Ver detalles Un pilar 0 para la seguridad social uruguaya

En mayo de 2023, el gobierno uruguayo promulgó la ley 20.130 que reforma el sistema previsional uruguayo. El título VII, relativo a “los niveles mínimos de protección”, dispone cambios significativos en lo que usualmente, en la jerga especializada, se denomina “pilar 0” de protección social. En el presente documento, comparto algunas ideas sobre el pilar 0 que presenté en la comisión de expertos...

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