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(4 colecciones) (329 resources)

Política social, Protección social y Seguridad social -- Protección social -- Vejez

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Asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada (32)
Jubilación (222)
Régimen de pensión profesional (8)
Régimenes de pensiones (215)

Ver detalles ‘Pisos' de protección social y sistemas de pensiones: El papel de las "pensiones ciudadanas"

Existe un creciente reconocimiento de que los países en desarrollo deben priorizar la ampliación pisos nacionales de protección social. Pero, ¿cuáles son los pisos de protección social, y qué relación tienen para el sistema de pensiones? Este informe tiene como objetivo responder a estas preguntas, y para introducir el concepto de una "pensión de los ciudadanos" como un enfoque especial relevancia...

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Ver detalles Towards universal pension coverage in Mexico

In 2000 only 22% of older people in Mexico received a pension. Then, in 2002, the first non-contributory pension was introduced in Mexico City. Since then 17 of Mexico's 31 states have also introduced social pensions and so has the federal district. The introduction of these non-contributory pensions meant that in 2013 coverage had risen to 88%. This briefing first looks at the situation before...

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Ver detalles The Value of Medicaid to Older Households

Medicaid is an importance source of funding for long-term care for the elderly. While Medicaid is the payer of last resort, contributing only after Medicare and private insurance pay their share and individuals spend their assets down to a relatively low “disregard” amount, the very high cost of nursing home care on the order of $60,000 to $75,000 per year means that Medicaid ends up financing...

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Ver detalles Workable pension systems: Reforms in the Caribbean

The retired population can be expected to make a substantial claim on the economic resources of virtually every nation. This book is geared to helping planners devise workable and efficient pension systems for Caribbean nations. It offers specific discussions of instruments, programs, and experiences in various Latin American and Caribbean nations and potential solutions that draw on the...

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Ver detalles Keeping the Promise of Social Security in Latin America

Empirical analysis of two decades of pioneering pension and social security reform in Latin America and the Caribbean shows that much has been achieved, but that critical challenges remain. In tackling this unfinished agenda, a great deal can be learned from the reform experience of countries in the region. 'Keeping the Promise of Social Security in Latin America', produced by the chief...

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Ver detalles Reversing pension privatization. The experience of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Hungary

This paper systematically compares and evaluates the reforms of private pensions systems in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Hungary due to initial failures in design and performance after its implementation. The document presents advantages and flaws of the structural reforms and private pension systems before the re-reform and analyses legal features and socio-economic effects of the re-reforms....

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Ver detalles Absenteeism, Pension Reforms and Grandmothers

Both economic and epidemiological literature have shown that perceived high strain at work and lack of social infrastructures are good predictors of sick-leave. The latter is particularly relevant in (Mediterranean) countries where facilities for children and LTC services are relatively scarce and women are frequently asked to fill the gap. The Italian 2011 pension reform, approved under the...

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Ver detalles A Reporting Standard for Defined Contribution Pension Plans

We propose a method for projecting pension benefits, deriving from DC pension plans and other funded products, at retirement. Projections highlight how the current choice of asset allocation impacts on future potential retirement outcomes. The latter are compared with a money-back benchmark so as to clarify the trade-off between risk and return. After the initial projections, the pension plan...

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Ver detalles Cuantificación de los costos de los límites de inversión para los fondos de pensiones chilenos

Desde la creación del sistema en 1981, las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFPs) no han podido elegir libremente sus carteras de inversión. Esto es producto de una estricta regulación de las inversiones, específicamente a través de restricciones cuantitativas: límites. Uno de los elementos importantes en el diagnóstico implícito en esta regulación es que el mercado de capitales en Chile, a...

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Ver detalles Long Term Risk Assessment in a Defined Contribution Pension System

Una de las consecuencias más importantes de la reforma chilena de pensiones realizada a principios de los 80s fue la transferencia de una porción significativa del riesgo asociado al financiamiento de las pensiones, desde el Estado, hacia los afiliados del nuevo sistema obligatorio. En este artículo se desarrolla un marco analítico que permite incorporar el comportamiento del administrador de...

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