This paper examines the role of guarantees in DC pension plans, in particular minimum investment return guarantees during the accumulation phase. The main goal is to assess the cost and benefits of different return guarantees. The report uses a stochastic financial market model where guarantee claims are calculated as a financial derivative in a financial market framework (like e.g. the valuation...
The property losses from the Feb 27th 2010 Maule earthquake are assessed as $18.1Bn paid for 38% by insurers, 47% by the Government of Chile and 15% by individuals and businesses. Including $4Bn damage to infrastructure and the costs of lost economic activity the total loss in 2010 values is estimated to have been close to $28Bn. The report considers policy options for expanding the proportion of...
Pension funds are increasingly looking at infrastructure investment with some investors actively pursuing opportunities in the sector. Different countries are at different stages in the evolution of pension fund investment in infrastructure. A survey of a sample of the most significant actors was launched by the OECD in May 2010 within the framework of the OECD Project on Transcontinental...
This paper presents the findings from an OECD International Network on Financial Education pilot study undertaken in 14 countries. The analysis focuses on variations in financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude across countries and within countries by socio-demographics. The results highlight a lack of financial knowledge amongst a sizeable proportion of the population in each of the countries...
This paper provides a review of the Swedish National Pension Funds based on international good practice and OECD guidelines. The paper focuses mainly on the general size and structure of the funds, the investment framework and the governance of the funds. The internal management of the funds appears to be strong, with governance and risk management structures in place that appear to broadly follow...
To adapt pension systems to demographic trends, many countries are reducing pay-as-you-go public pension levels and lifting retirement ages. In this context, funded pensions could play a major role to avoid adequacy gaps. Yet, as this paper shows, the coverage of funded private pensions, as measured by enrolment rates, is highly uneven across countries and between individuals, especially in...
This paper explores how uncertainty over investment returns affects pension systems. This issue is becoming more important because of the dramatic spread of defined-contribution pension provision around the world. It has also been highlighted by the recent financial crisis: the OECD estimates that pension funds lost 23% of their value in 2008, worth a heady USD 5.4 trillion. The scale of...
En este documento realizamos un análisis empírico acerca de si la inclusión financiera contribuye a reducir la desigualdad de ingreso cuando se controla por otros factores fundamentales, tales como el desarrollo económico y la política fiscal. Concluimos que la inclusión financiera contribuye a reducir la desigualdad de ingreso de forma significativa, mientras que esto no es así para el tamaño del...
Contar con un sistema de pensiones robusto es esencial para garantizar que los individuos tengan los recursos necesarios para su retiro y una vida digna en su vejez. Dado que los individuos tienden a preocuparse por su vejez en edades cercanas al retiro, lo anterior requiere de la implementación de un sistema regulado y supervisado. En la juventud, se tienen otras prioridades como estudiar,...
El Informe Financiero y Actuarial (IFA o Informe) implica un ejercicio de reflexión que incluye todos los aspectos relevantes de la operación cotidiana del Instituto, las condiciones en las que se encuentran sus instalaciones, los servicios que otorga y la evolución de la situación financiera con el fin de identificar el impacto de los retos económicos y poblacionales a los que enfrenta el ISSSTE...