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Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la información -- Información

Categorias Classifications
Información (23)
Intercambio de información (5)
Política de información (2)
Tecnología para la información (44)

Ver detalles Generative AI and Jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality

This study assesses the potential global exposure of occupations to Generative AI, particularly GPT-4. It predicts that the overwhelming effect of the technology will be to augment occupations, rather than to automate them. The greatest impact is likely to be in high and upper-middle income countries due to a higher share of employment in clerical occupations. As clerical jobs are an important...

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Ver detalles Industria 4.0: ¿Cómo afecta la digitalización al sistema de protección social?

Se analiza el concepto de la industria 4.0 y el impacto de la cuarta revolución, digitalización y robotización en el mercado de trabajo y especialmente sobre la viabilidad y sostenibilidad financiera del sistema actual de protección social. A tal fin, se analizarán las alternativas o propuestas que plantean algunos autores que van desde la creación de un impuesto específico para los robots,...

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Ver detalles Health Information Management: Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Data and Information Management

This paper explores the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on the management of healthcare data and information and how AI technologies will affect the responsibilities and work of health information management (HIM) professionals. Methods: A literature review was conducted of both peer-reviewed literature and published opinions on current and future use of AI technology to collect,...

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Ver detalles Chatbot for Health Care and Oncology Applications Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Systematic Review

Background: Chatbot is a timely topic applied in various fields, including medicine and health care, for human-like knowledge transfer and communication. Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, has been proven particularly applicable in health care, with the ability for complex dialog management and conversational flexibility. (AU)

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Ver detalles The Development and Use of Chatbots in Public Health: Scoping Review

Background: Chatbots are computer programs that present a conversation-like interface through which people can access information and services. The COVID-19 pandemic has driven a substantial increase in the use of chatbots to support and complement traditional health care systems. However, despite the uptake in their use, evidence to support the development and deployment of chatbots in public...

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Ver detalles Conceptos fundamentales y uso responsable de la inteligencia artificial en el sector público. Informe 2

Este segundo informe forma parte de la serie de estudios sobre el uso e impacto de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en el sector público en América Latina y se enfoca en los conceptos fundamentales y su uso responsable. Las tecnologías emergentes y en particular la inteligencia artificial (IA) tienen alto potencial disruptivo para resetear las administraciones públicas en la era digital, mejorando...

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Ver detalles The digital transition of social security in Finland. Frontrunner experiencing headwinds?

Digitalization transforms our societies in a profound way. Public administrations and social security institutions are at different stages in this process. Digitalization poses technological, legal, and organizational challenges. Finland has typically been a frontrunner in the adaptation of ICT. This case study critically assesses the current state-of-the-art in the field of digitalization in...

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Ver detalles Gobernanza participativa de la inteligencia artificial

El presente documento da cuenta de las reflexiones y recomendaciones producto de mesas de diálogo con la participación de diferentes actores del ecosistema local, regional y global. Así como, de las experiencias recogidas dentro de la iniciativa fAIr LAC, y experiencia multisectorial del Grupo BID aplicado al contexto País

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Ver detalles Inteligencia artificial al servicio de la salud del futuro

Desde sus orígenes, la medicina ha estado más ligada a la cura de enfermedades que a su prevención. Con los últimos avances en ciencia, tecnología y procesamiento masivo de datos, este paradigma está cambiando, focalizándose en mantener la salud de los individuos, evitando que padezcan alguna enfermedad. Este nuevo enfoque es llamado “Medicina 4P”, el cual propone que la medicina debe ser...

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Ver detalles Artificial Intelligence for Adjudication: The Social Security Administration and AI Governance

Despite widespread skepticism of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in adjudication, the Social Security Administration (SSA) pioneered path breaking AI tools that became embedded in multiple levels of its adjudicatory process. How did this happen? What lessons can we draw from the SSA experience for AI in government? We first discuss how early strategic investments by the SSA in...

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