This paper examines the role of guarantees in DC pension plans, in particular minimum investment return guarantees during the accumulation phase. The main goal is to assess the cost and benefits of different return guarantees. The report uses a stochastic financial market model where guarantee claims are calculated as a financial derivative in a financial market framework (like e.g. the valuation...
Pension funds are increasingly looking at infrastructure investment with some investors actively pursuing opportunities in the sector. Different countries are at different stages in the evolution of pension fund investment in infrastructure. A survey of a sample of the most significant actors was launched by the OECD in May 2010 within the framework of the OECD Project on Transcontinental...
This paper presents the findings from an OECD International Network on Financial Education pilot study undertaken in 14 countries. The analysis focuses on variations in financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude across countries and within countries by socio-demographics. The results highlight a lack of financial knowledge amongst a sizeable proportion of the population in each of the countries...
In both developing and developed economies, the awareness of the importance of financial education led to the development of an increasing number of tailored national strategies for financial education. These frameworks promote a smoother and more sustainable co-operation between interested parties and stakeholders, avoid duplication of resources and allow the development of articulated and...
Esta publicación analiza la situación actual de la educación financiera en América Latina y el Caribe, teniendo en cuenta la existencia de retos comunes y el desarrollo de políticas sobre la materia en la región. Las necesidades en materia de educación financiera de la población no son iguales para todos los países de la región, por lo cual es necesario un mayor esfuerzo en términos de medición....
The paper describes Chile’s pension reform of 1980, which replaced the existing pay-as-you-go public pension programs by a new funded pension program managed by private companies (the “AFP´s”). It comments on the main results of this reform so far, and identifies the current challenges faced by the country’s pension system. The paper also describes the changes introduced to Chile’s pension system...
Using reduced-form regression models, this paper shows that average predicted private saving rates in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are significantly lower than in other regions, particularly Emerging Asia (about 4 percentage points of GDP on average). Predicted public saving rates in LAC are also lower than in Emerging Asia, but by a smaller margin (1 percentage point of GDP on average)....
En este estudio se analizan los distintos factores personales que afectan a las condiciones del ahorro según dos innovadoras encuestas realizadas por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en las ciudades de Lima y México D.F.
La AISS ha preparado este informe que pone de relieve diez de los principales desafíos con los que se enfrentan los sistemas de seguridad social en todo el mundo. Este informe se basa en la investigación y la consulta de más de 280 departamentos gubernamentales e instituciones de seguridad social de todo el mundo. Estos diez desafíos servirán de marco para las discusiones que tendrán lugar este...
Este estudio tiene como objetivo proveer elementos de análisis para el fortalecimiento de un sistema de protección social en el Perú, relevando su rol potencial en la reducción de la vulnerabilidad y pobreza en los niños, niñas y adolescentes.
Contenido: Introducción .-- I. Pobreza y vulnerabilidad de los niños, las niñas y los adolescentes en el Perú .-- II. La institucionalidad de la...