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View Resource Determinantes y desigualdades socioeconómicas en las condiciones de desnutrición infantil de Sri Lanka

A pesar de los múltiples esfuerzos por mitigar la desnutrición que se han realizado a través de los años, ésta afecta a cientos de miles de niños en Sri Lanka. Es de vital importancia entender los factores determinantes y las desigualdades socioeconómicas en las condiciones de desnutrición para poder concentrar la ayuda en grupos socioeconómicos específicos con objeto de mejorar su estado de...

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View Resource Inequality, quality of primary education and development in Latina America and the Caribbean

This paper draws on a political economy model to hypothesize that the quality of education is likely to be lowered by both economic and political inequalities. In particular, we utilize a panel data set across countries and over time to test the applicability of the hypothesis to quality of education indicators at the primary level. Among the four specific indicators of primary education assigned...

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View Resource Where did you go to school? Private-public differences in schooling trajectories and their role of earnings

The private provision of educational services has been representing an increasing fraction of the Peruvian schooling system, especially in recent last decades. While there have been many claims about the differences in quality between private and public schools, there is no complete assessment of the different impacts of these two type of providers on the labor markets. This paper is an attempt...

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View Resource Financial development and the distribution of income in Latina America and the Caribbean

One of the central concerns in Latin America an the Caribbean (LAC) has been the reduction of poverty and inequality so prevalent in the continent. Using large world samples, the literature has found that financial development increases economic growth, increases the income of the poor, and reduces inequality. This paper studies the effects of financial development on the whole distribution of...

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View Resource Socio-economic determinants and inequalities in childhood malnutrition in Sri Lanka

Despite countless initiatives to alleviate malnutrition over the years, it affects hundreds of thousands of children in Sri Lanka. Understanding the determinants of malnutrition and their contribution to socio-economic inequality in malnutrition is essential in targeting specific socio-economic groups to improve their nutrition levels. This study attempts to identify the socio-economic...

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