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View Resource Migración y seguridad social en América: informe ejecutivo del estudio

Nota de contenido: Introducción. Organismos promotores. Etapas del estudio.

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View Resource The effect of the perception of violence on social capital in Mexico

Increasing levels of violence in Mexico, which have the potential to damage the very fabric of 1 society, as well as impact key economic variables, led us to analyze the effect that changes in the perception of violence had on social capital fluctuations (including associative capital) between 2006 and 2011. This was a period in which an anti-violence and anti-organized crime policy was launched...

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View Resource Hurricane Mitch and consumption growth of nicaraguan agricultural households

There is little micro-evidence on the persistence of natural disasters' welfare impacts. This paper assesses the effect of Hurricane Mitch on consumption of Nicaraguan agricultura) households. Mitch occurred in October 1998. Pre-post data is obtained from a nationally representative panel collected in 1998 and 2001. An additional survey was fielded in 1999 for households from the panel affected...

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View Resource Effect of natural disasters on poverty transitions and consumption growth. Evidence for rural Peru

Natural hazards, an increasingly important phenomenon, have a direct impact at regional and household level. The growing incidence and persistence of natural events are strongly linked to increasing vulnerability of households and communities in developing countries. Previous socioeconomic vulnerabilities may exacerbate the impact of a specific event, making more difficult the process of...

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View Resource Do shocks affect poverty persistance? Evidence using welfare trajectories from Nicaragua

Shocks are often primarily associated with downward mobility or short-term movements in and out of poverty. However, households at the bottom of the welfare distribution are likely to face the most constraints to access insurance mechanisms. In this paper, we consider whether shocks directly affect poverty persistence. In order to analyze the impact of shocks on households’ welfare path over time...

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View Resource A simple poverty scorecard for Mexico

This study uses Mexico's 2008 National Household Survey of Income and Expenditure to I construct an easy-to-use scorecard that estimates the likelihood that a household has income below a given poverty line. The scorecard uses ten simple indicators that field workers can quickly collect and verify. Poverty scores can be computed on paper in the field in about five to ten minutes. The scorecard's...

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View Resource Introduction (On the issue of social capital that is addressed in this issue of the journal)

In recent decades, interest has increased in identifying, estimating and linking social capital to a variety of well-being variables in which the production of certain benefits or performance is key. Research has involved the confluence of several disciplines: economics, sociology, anthropology and psychology, to name a few. Although consensus on the definition of a single indicator for measuring...

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View Resource Social capital in labor market access and poverty in Mexico

Social capital, defined as the set of social networks that a person has in order to obtain benefits, is used by the population as a mechanism for providing resources, to cushion shocks in consumption and to obtain information on available employment opportunities. This study employs a logistic model to characterize the manner in which people access the labor market in Mexico through the use of...

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View Resource Estado, seguridad social y marginalidad

El autor del libro, efectúa un estudio definitorio del papel que desempeña el Estado, en sus diferentes modalidades, para la consecución del bienestar social. Hace además, observaciones al tratar la situación económica y social de América Latina en tan importante tema, así como los retos a que se enfrenta, muy especialmente al relativo a la marginalidad urbana y rural que aún subsiste en todos...

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View Resource Diversity and equity: Review to indigenous peoples, poverty and human development in Latina America: 1994-2004, edited by Gillete Hall and Harry A. Patrinos

The evolution of specific welfare-related indicators for these indigenous populations during the last decade is the theme of this important book. The study declares to have four guiding questions, to wit: 1. Have income poverty rates increased or decreased among Indigenous Peoples over the past decade, and what are the main determinants of observed trends?, How does this evolution compare to...

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View Resource Reunión Técnica de la CAJS: Mujer y Seguridad Social en América. Compilación

Libro que reune una serie de ponencias en materia de seguridad social en lo relativo a la protección y a la concesión de las prestaciones, son en parte consecuencia de las actitudes y valores públicos respecto al papel de la mujer en la sociedad, como la desigualdad de posibilidades de formación, la depreciación del trabajo femenino, las reticencias frente a los progresos de la actividad laboral...

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View Resource Current issues in social security: Pensions, poverty and health

This collection is a response to the growing need to reexamine the operations of social security institutions in the Caribbean and covers a number of the issues related to these social security challenges. The issues have been categorized underthe three subject areas of pensions, poverty and health with contributions being drawn from noted practitioners and researchers in the various areas....

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View Resource Panorama estadístico de la OCDE: economía, medio ambiente y sociedad 2015-2016

Escrito en un lenguaje no técnico, el Panorama estadístico de la OCDE ofrece datos e indicadores de los 34 países miembros de la Organización y, cuando se dispone de ellos y se consideran comparables internacionalmente, de Brasil, India, Indonesia, República Popular China, Federación de Rusia y Sudáfrica. Contenido: Población y migración. Población inmigrante y extranjera. Tendencias de la...

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View Resource La protección social agrícola

El agricultor, está de una manera general, más expuesto a los riesgos sociales y humanos que quienes se dedican a otras actividades. Un accidente, la enfermedad, la vejez, pueden acarrear la miseria y aun la ruina. Las cargas familiares se vuelven cada día más pesadas. La economía de un agricultor cuya empresa es, en la mayoría de los casos, de poca o mediana importancia, se reduce y hace más...

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View Resource El régimen legal agrícola de asistencia a la vejez en la República Federal de Alemania

La ley sobre el seguro-vejez de los cultivadores en Alemania está en vigor desde el 27 de julio de 1957. A partir de esta fecha hasta mediados de 1958, más de 340 000 cultivadores en edad avanzada o viudas de estos últimos pidieron el pago del seguro-vejez a una de las 18 cajas del seguro-vejez agrícolas en la República federal.

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View Resource Socio-economic determinants and inequalities in childhood malnutrition in Sri Lanka

Despite countless initiatives to alleviate malnutrition over the years, it affects hundreds of thousands of children in Sri Lanka. Understanding the determinants of malnutrition and their contribution to socio-economic inequality in malnutrition is essential in targeting specific socio-economic groups to improve their nutrition levels. This study attempts to identify the socio-economic...

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View Resource Economic polarisation and gobernality in México

The purpose of this essay is to appraise alternative hypothesis about the origins of recent social revolt in Mexico. It shows that it is not clear that a severe rise in poverty preceded the origins of violent conflict but social polarisation. Therefore, government attempts to deactivate the economic factors that led to social unrest did not necessarily upgrade povertyreduction policies. The...

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View Resource The effect of migration on the labor market outcomes of the sender household: a longitudinal approach using data from Nicaragua

In this paper, I use longitudinal data from the 1998 and 2001 Living Standard Measurement Surveys in Nicaragua to examine the impact of the emigration of household members on the household labor market integration and poverty. The main findings of the paper are that households from which an emigrant left had a reduction in members, a reduction in working members, a reduction in labor income than...

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View Resource Programa de desarrollo humano Oportunidades

La Secretaría de Salud ha participado, permanentemente, en programas de atención dirigidos a la población en extrema pobreza; entre 1930 y 1979 instrumentó diferentes estrategias de atención para la población de las zonas rurales; de 1980 a 1996 se diseñaron y desarrollaron programas que favorecieron el reforzamiento de la estructura de la Secretaría de Salud, con el propósito de ampliar la...

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View Resource Huracán Mitch y crecimiento del consumo de los hogares agrícolas nicaragüenses

Existe escasa micro-evidencia sobre la persistencia de los impactos de desastres naturales en el bienestar. Este artículo evalúa el efecto del Huracán Mitch, ocurrido en octubre de 1998, sobre el consumo de los hogares agrícolas nicaragüenses. Los datos pre-post utilizados provienen de un panel representativo nacional recolectado en 1998 y 2001. Una encuesta adicional se realizó en 1999 para...

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