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View Resource Una sencilla ficha de evaluación de la pobreza para México

En este estudio se utiliza la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares de 2008 de México para crear una ficha de evaluación por puntaje que es fácil de usar y por medio de la cual se estima la probabilidad de que un hogar tenga un ingreso por debajo de una línea de pobreza dada. En la ficha se usan diez indicadores simples que los agentes de campo pueden recolectar y verificar...

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View Resource Los espacios públicos en México como detonadores de la cohesión social: un enfoque de modelado estructural

Esta investigación evaluó los efectos de varios factores contextuales (por ejemplo, la inseguridad vecinal, la evaluación de los espacios públicos, la infraestructura, los comportamientos de bajo riesgo) en materia de cohesión social y de satisfacción residencial, en el contexto de individuos de situación socioeconómica baja y media-baja que se encuentran cerca de espacios públicos (parques e...

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View Resource Conflict and power: the teachers' union and education quality in Mexico

The teachers union in Mexico, or Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) represents over 1 million members and is the largest in Latin America. This study uses data from the national student tests administered by the Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE), along with data from the Mexican Ministry of Education and other sources, to investigate the...

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View Resource Impact of school quality on child labor and school attendance: the case of the CONAFE compensatory education program in Mexico

This paper focuses on the impact that two different types of policy interventions, namely enhancing school quality and contingent cash transfers, have on child labor and school attendance in Mexico. While there are many studies on the impact of Oportunidades on schooling outcomes, little evidence is available on whether school quality programs such as CONAFE also reduce child labor and help keep...

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View Resource Introduction (about the internatinal conference on "The quality of education in Latin America and the Caribbean")

The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) co-hosted an international conference on "The Quality of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean" in February 2007. The conference examined the quality of education in the region, the determinants of learning, policy and program evaluation, and the impact of quality of education on the labor market....

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View Resource Book review. Improving the quality of education in Mexico: Positions and proposals, edited by Francisco Miranda, Harry Patrinos y Ángel López

This book gathers analyses performed by several authors on policies considered appropriate by the World Bank to enhance the quality of basic education provided in Mexico, in particular, education received by majority sectors in our society (World Bank: 2005).

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View Resource "La Nocturna": study of educational choice in Colombia

This study uses data from Colombia’s 2003 Encuesta de Calidad de Vida to examine how well do electricity strata (proxy for socioeconomic status) explain the choice decision for type of institution and session attended. In the model of choice by type – private vs. public universities – I find that as the electricity strata increases, the marginal probability of enrolling in a public university...

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View Resource Exploring the effects of the school levels reform on access and its quality: the Education Federal Law of Argentina

Over the last decade, Argentina embarked on a broad education reform, the Federal Education Law (LFE), being its main objective to expand access to basic education, mainly, by a new organization of the schooling level structure with the extension of mandatory schooling from 7 to 10 years. The provinces reactions were heterogeneous. We try to evaluate the relationship among the LFE and access and...

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View Resource Quality of education in Argentina: determinants and distribution using PISA 2000 test scores

In this paper we study the determinants and distribution of learning outcomes in Argentina I measured by PISA 2000 reading and math test scores. To do that, we estimate education production functions at the mean of the distribution using survey regressions and at different parts of the score 's distribution with quantile regressions. In terms of educational policy aimed at improving learning...

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View Resource Institutional effects as determinants of leaning outcomes: exploring state variations in Mexico

We use the PISA 2003 student-level achievement database for Mexico to estimate state education production functions. Student characteristics, family background, home inputs, resources and institutions are controlled for. We take advantage of the state-level variation and representative sample to analyze the impact of institutional factors such as state accountability systems and the role of...

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View Resource Where did you go to school? Private-public differences in schooling trajectories and their role of earnings

The private provision of educational services has been representing an increasing fraction of the Peruvian schooling system, especially in recent last decades. While there have been many claims about the differences in quality between private and public schools, there is no complete assessment of the different impacts of these two type of providers on the labor markets. This paper is an attempt...

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View Resource Inequality, quality of primary education and development in Latina America and the Caribbean

This paper draws on a political economy model to hypothesize that the quality of education is likely to be lowered by both economic and political inequalities. In particular, we utilize a panel data set across countries and over time to test the applicability of the hypothesis to quality of education indicators at the primary level. Among the four specific indicators of primary education assigned...

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View Resource Introduction (about the international conference on "The quality of education in Latin America and the Caribbean")

The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) co-hosted an international conference on "The Quality of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean" in February 2007. The main obj ective of the conference was to examine quality of education in the region, the determinants of learning, policy and program evaluation, and the impact of quality of...

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View Resource Diversity and equity: Review to indigenous peoples, poverty and human development in Latina America: 1994-2004, edited by Gillete Hall and Harry A. Patrinos

The evolution of specific welfare-related indicators for these indigenous populations during the last decade is the theme of this important book. The study declares to have four guiding questions, to wit: 1. Have income poverty rates increased or decreased among Indigenous Peoples over the past decade, and what are the main determinants of observed trends?, How does this evolution compare to...

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View Resource Reseña del informe sobre la salud en el mundo 2010. La financiación de los sistemas de salud

El documento presentado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en Febrero de 2011 expone una serie de propuestas para motivar a los países miembros a lograr la cobertura universal en salud. Estas propuestas se presentan de manera extensa y basándose tanto en estadísticas mundiales como en estudios de caso.

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View Resource Academic performance of public university students in Argentina

Designing educational policies under limited budgets requires a thorough analysis of the impact of alternative factors on student performance. This work aims at providing an analysis of the relationship between university performance and its explanatory factors. The analysis Will focus on the Argentinean case, using the 1994 Census of Students in National Universities, which includes data on all...

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View Resource Assessing Argentina's preparedness for the knowledge economy: measuring student knowledge and skills in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy with evidence from PISA 2000

The results of 2000 study of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that while Argentinean students performed similar to their peers in most other Latin American countries, they lagged behind all OECD and most of other participating countries. Attention needs to be given to further master the reading, math and science skills that are needed for a knowledge economy; and...

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View Resource ¿Inversiones en espacios públicos para generar capital social? Evidencia para México

La formación de capital social es de suma importancia para países en vías de desarrollo. El presente trabajo investiga los efectos en rescates de espacios públicos en zonas marginadas de México. Los efectos son estimados mediante balanceo en los puntajes de propensión. Nos enfocamos en los resultados de percepción de seguridad, asistencia y capital social. Se encontró que debido a la intervención...

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View Resource Las organizaciones y el capital social

Una organización es un grupo de personas que reúnan requisitos de membresía establecidos y cuya forma y función son generalmente reconocidos. Los requisitos para ser miembro de una organización pueden basarse en rasgos heredados o adquiridos. Las organizaciones existen porque proporcionan un entorno en el que los miembros de rasgos similares pueden satisfacer sus necesidades físicas y...

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View Resource Beneficios prometidos y reales de la seguridad social en México para la generación en transición

Este artículo presenta un conjunto de mediciones de los costos y beneficios reales del plan general de retiro por jubilación proporcionado a los ciudadanos por parte del Sistema Mexicano de Pensiones (SMP), que son necesarias para evaluar las decisiones de los trabajadores en cuanto a la contribución a la seguridad social (es decir, trabajar en el sector formal) y al retiro. El SMP ofrece dos...

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