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View Resource Estatuto vigente de la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social

Estatuto vigente de la CISS. Estatutos. Reglamentos vigentes de la Conferencia y del Comité Permanente Interamericano de Seguridad Social. Reglamento de la CISS. Reglamento del CPISS. Acuerdos y precedentes que alteran o complementan el Estatuto y los Reglamentos actuales. A. Acuerdo de la Conferencia. B. Acuerdos de la Comisión General de la Conferencia. C. Acuerdos del Comité Permanente. D....

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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2006 The challenges of aging and disability: employment and insurance, and international social security agreements (book review)

The 2006 Issue of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is divided in four chapters. The first two chapters address older-adult issues, the third chapter deals with disability-related problems, and the fourth chapter discusses Social Security agreements in the Americas. In the Presentation, it was pointed out that the objective of the Report on Social Security in the Americas is to become...

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View Resource Introduction (about an international conference on "The effects of migration on sending countries")

The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) co-hosted an international conference on “The Effects of Migration on Sending Countries” in February of 2006. The major objective of the conference was to examine a variety of channels through which migration affects the sending countries. Migrants change the dynamic of sending households; alter labor...

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View Resource Is international migration a substitute for social security

The focus on short-term macroeconomic factors, including unemployment and wages, is insufficient to explain international migration. Institutional factors, bound to change only in the long run, can potentially have a large impact on migration flows. To illustrate this, we analyze Mexico-U.S. migration focusing on social security coverage, an important indicator of job formality. Using...

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View Resource Retirement incentives: pension wealth, accrual and implicit tax

This paper estimates social security financial incentives for early retirement using contemporary techniques developed in economics, and compares these estimates to those estimated for developed countries. I find that implicit tax on continued work increases with age and amounts to over one-third of an individual potential earnings at age sixty-five. The pension replacement rate shows the degree...

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View Resource Financing universal enrollment to social health insurance: lessons learned from Colombia

The paper discusses the financing of the health care reform implemented in Colombia since the early nineties and explains the obstacles faced on the way to universal enrollment to social health insurance. The paper describes the reform and the sources created for its financing. It presents the observed trends in the financing of the insurance schemes created by the reform, identifies the...

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View Resource An investigation into the cost of universal health coverage in Mexico

The Mexican social security system, after operating for over six decades, has managed to provide healthcare for slightly over half the resident population. There are wide geographical and socioeconomic variations in coverage. To provide wider coverage, the Federal Government created the Sistema de Protección Social en Salud (SPSS) for covering low income family. It becomes the third...

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View Resource Book review. Beyond survival. Protecting households from health shocks in Latina America, by Baeza, Cristian C., y Truman G. Packard

The book by Cristian Baeza and Truman Packard is based on the next hypothesis: adverse health events reduce the consumption of goods and services different from health services, and many households become poor because of that. While the authors recognize that the evidence they present on the topic is limited, they propose the use of a “universal risk pool” as a way to eliminate the problem of...

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View Resource Social security pensions and retirement decisions in Mexico

Using Mexican cohort data for 1991-2000 this article examines the relationship between retirement decisions —the transition from work to labor market inactivity— and social security (contributive) pensions in less developed countries. The available large time series also makes possible to examine how a financial crisis that took place in 1995 has affected retirement incentives. In most Latin...

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View Resource A quantitative analysis of social capital in Mexico

Se ha relacionado el capital social a la eficiencia en los mercados (Arrow, 1972), al refuerzo del contrato (Durlauf y Fafchamps, 2004) y en general al desarrollo y bienestar (Keefer y Knack 1997; Putnam 2000; Knack y Zak 2003). En el presente trabajo hemos investigado los determinantes del capital social empíricamente, centrándose en tres medidas comunes aproximadas de este: dos ligadas a la...

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View Resource Relationship between social capital and health indicators in Mexico

This study analyzes the relationship between social capital types and access to health services in Mexico. To this end, access to healthcare data from the 2006 ENCASU and 2011 ENCAS was validated using 2006 and 2012 ENSANU results. Indicators were found to be consistent. A statistical analysis of the distribution of social capital and health indicators by region, as well as by rural or urban area...

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View Resource Memoria de la Reunión Subregional de la Memoria. Mejoramiento de los programas de salud dirigidos a grupos prioritarios, 2 al 6 de agosto de 1993

La seguridad social y la política exterior / Genaro Borrego Estrada – Salud y transformación productiva con equidad / Pablo Serrano Calvo – Mejoramiento integral de los ancianos jubilados / Manuel Barquin Calderón – Consideraciones bioéticas y derechos humanos en la atención a grupos prioritarios / Manuel Velasco Suárez –Salud reproductiva en la adolescencia / Francisco Alarcón Navarro – Cirugía...

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View Resource Organos de la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS)

CPISS -- CIESS. Estructura. Participantes. Tipo de evento. Programa académico. Instalaciones. CASS. CAMS. CAJS. CAOSA. CAPRT. CAAF.

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View Resource Acta de la XXXIX Reunión del Comité Permanente Interamericano de Seguridad Social. "Reformas de la seguridad social y políticas económicas y sociales"

Contenido: I Participantes. III Presidium y quorum. III. Aprobación del acta de la XXXVIII reunión del CPISS e informe y programa de la Secretaria General. IV. Informe y dictamen de la comisión revisora de finanzas. V. Informe y programa del director del centro interamericano de estudios de seguridad. Social. VI. Afiliación de nuevos miembros. VII. Informe y programa de los presidentes de las...

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View Resource Principios de la seguridad social americana. Declaración de México

Contenido: Declaración de México. Comentarios: Benito Coquet. Antonio Zelenka. Beryl Frank. Gonzalo Arroba. Integración de las Delegaciones. Firmas.

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View Resource A demographic and economic model of the Canada Pension Plan

This book describes how demographic developments influence the Canadian Social Security System, not only through the evolution of the size and age structure of the Canadian population, but also through the possible economic consequences of a decreasing and ageing population. The second chapter will situate the reader in the historical context of social security systems in the world, it also...

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View Resource Orientaciones de la seguridad social en América Latina

La búsqueda de la seguridad, individual, familiar y colectiva, ha sido siempre uno de los instintos históricos básicos de la humanidad, desde sus primeros tiempos. Clanes, tribus, hordas, imperios, fraternidades, órdenes, guildas, clases, sindicatos, asociaciones de toda índole, han reflejado en la historia, a través de los tiempos, el egoísmo individualista y la solidaridad Colectivista, que...

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View Resource Modelo demográfico y económico del Plan de Pensiones de Canadá

El libro describe ampliamente no sólo la forma en la que los fenómenos demográficos influyen en el Sistema de Seguridad Social Canadiense, por la evolución del tamaño y de la estructura por edades de la población canadiense, sino que señala también las posibles consecuencias económicas de una población decreciente yen proceso de envejecimiento. El segundo capítulo ubica al lector en el...

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View Resource Seguridad social y tercera edad

En este libro se presentan algunos estudios sobre la tercera edad realizados por investigadores, estudiosos universitarios y de instituciones de salud y seguridad social, que han interesado a la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social por las reflexiones que muestran sobre los programas referentes a la tercera edad.

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View Resource Una aproximación global a los sistemas de seguridad social en América del Norte

Tratando de hacer una aproximación global, tal y como lo indica el título, el trabajo se compone de tres partes básicas. La primera parte aborda los orígenes de cada uno de los sistemas de seguridad social en América del Norte: en Estados Unidos, en Canadá y en México, orígenes que van no sólo a marcar, sino a determinar la evolución futura de los sistemas en lo social, lo político y lo...

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