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View Resource Catastrophic expenditure in health and income elasticities by item of expenditure in health services in Mexico

The objective of this article is to put in economic perspective the expenditure in health within the pattern of family expenditure of the Mexican households. Information of the National Survey on Income Expenditure of Households (ENIGH) of Mexico of 2004 is analyzed on: structure of the expenditure of the households, expenditure in health and income-expenditure elasticities in health; by...

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View Resource Family health expanditure and demand: an analysis based on the consumer expenditure survey - POF - 2002/2003

This paper aims at analyzing healthcare expenditure and demand of families, by estimating income-elasticity and price-elasticity for ten groups of products using the so-called model Linear Almost Ideal Demand System (LAIDS). The 2002/03 consumer expenditure surveys (POF) of the Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – FIBGE (Brazilian census bureau) are used, providing extremely...

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View Resource Incomplete health reforms in Latin America: some findings on their political economy

This paper raises the point that only few health reforms implemented in Latin American countries modified the existing health systems in order to fix the problems brought by the institutional fragmentation typical of this sector. A great part of these reforms did not implemented the necessary measures to improve coordination among health systems in the prevailing pluralistic model and besides,...

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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2005: labor markets and the fragmentation of social insurance, financing for HIV-AIDS by social security (Book review)

The Americas Social Security Report 2005, published by the CISS, gathers the contributions, opinions, and comments of more than 30 social security specialists from different countries in the American continent, as well as the review of the most recent literature on this matter. The purpose is to present, to specialized public and to laymen, a detailed, analytic, and updated report of the...

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View Resource The political economy of social security reforms in the Americas

This paper analyses the factors affecting the decision to apply a reform (parametric and structural) in the Americas, which may hold a specific set of conditions, i.e. a sui generis political system and a high degree of economic openness, among others. Economic freedom is relevant in the case of structural reforms, while results for the share of older population are not conclusive. It may be that...

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View Resource Provisional and welfare inclusion in Brazil (1988-2005): scope and limits

This paper analyses the influence of new rights derived from the Social Security System in Brazil after the Federal Constitution (1988). At least, three different and independent forces determinate the arrangements in social security policies: 1) the new social rights created by constitutional rules in response to social pressure; 2) the decrease of employment and wages in salaried jobs imposed...

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View Resource Social security and inequality in Mexico: from polarization to universality

The article documents the failure of social security in Mexico as an instrument of social protection and evaluates possible reform strategies. It analyses the truncated coverage of these systems for the most vulnerable, the regressive incidence and horizontal inequities of public social security subsidies, and the consequences for old-age poverty and inequalities in basic health opportunities. It...

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View Resource Restrictions, problems and dilemmas of social provision in Latin America: facing challenges from aging and income inequality

This paper discusses the main restrictions, problems and dilemmas that social provision faces in Latin America in a context of demographic changes and low achievements in the economic performance, particularly in the labor market. It is proposed the need to adapt the general social provision matrix as function of priorities and restrictions set by financing access. Due to the limited labor...

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View Resource The gender impact of social security reform in Latin America

Recent multi-pillar pension reforms tighten the link between payroll contributions and benefits, leading critics to argue that they will hurt women, who have less continuous employment and earn lower wages than men. However, these reforms also remove distortions and target redistributions to low earners, which help women. This paper tests these conflicting claims in the case of three Latin...

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View Resource La transparencia del precio de medicamentos como mecanismo efectivo para contrarrestar la captura del Estado en políticas de sanidad

El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar la importancia de la utilización de la transparencia en el precio de medicamentos dentro de las políticas públicas de sanidad en Latinoamericana. A partir del método de estudios de casos se realizó un análisis de este fenómeno en tres países de la región, tomando como referencia el caso de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 (Brasil, Costa Rica y...

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View Resource The effects of migration on sending countries: a comparison of Mexico and Turkey

International migrants are persons who cross national borders and remain outside their countries of birth or citizenship for 12 months or more, regardless of the reason for being abroad or legal status while abroad. According to UN estimates, the number of international migrants was 191 million in 2005, and half were in the labor force of the destination country. International labor migration...

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View Resource Book review. The economics of microfinance, by Beatriz Armendáriz de Aghion and Jonathan Morduch

The book by Armendáriz and Morduch focuses on how microfinance institutions work, what has been their impact and whether they are financially sustainable. For such purpose the book can be divided—from my viewpoint—into six sections. The first describes the environment of imperfect information that surrounds credit transactions and the consequences that this entails. First the authors define in a...

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View Resource Strategic map of financial inclusion: a working tool

Various circumstances make difficult the rigorous study of processes, strategies and impact of V the efforts of financial inclusion and penetration, either at the academie level, in the public policy area or in companies and organizations of financial services industry. The central problem in Mexico has been the lack of a unified agreement on the definition and the low comprehension level of the...

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View Resource Assessing changes in household access to financial services in Mexico: an analysis of the BANSEFI/SAGARPA panel survey 2004-2007

In March 2004, BANSEFI and SAGARPA began a project to examine the impact on households I of the Program to Strengthen the Popular Credit and Savings Sector (Programa de Fortalecimiento del Sector de Ahorro y Crédito Popular), which was designed to help non-bank financial intermediaries to abide by the Ley de Ahorro y Crédito Popular (LACP), passed by the Mexican Congress in 2001. During the...

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View Resource Introduction of basic accounts in Mexico to address the issue of access to the banking system: design and expected impact

This article presents the Mexican experience with the introduction of basic transaction accounts. Basic accounts are relatively cheap simple banking products with restricted functionality targeted at social groups that have limited access to transaction accounts. In Mexico, basic payroll accounts and accounts for the general public were introduced. By law, these products must be offered by all...

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View Resource Are loan guarantees effective? The case of mexican government banks

Mexican Government’s Banks offer loan guarantees to private banks in order to spur credit directed to non-financial small and medium sized firms and this policy is examined here. Application of representative data to the comparative static analysis of the guarantee-use decision suggests that these schemes, as currently designed, are justifiable from an economic viewpoint. However, there is some...

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View Resource Financial development and the distribution of income in Latina America and the Caribbean

One of the central concerns in Latin America an the Caribbean (LAC) has been the reduction of poverty and inequality so prevalent in the continent. Using large world samples, the literature has found that financial development increases economic growth, increases the income of the poor, and reduces inequality. This paper studies the effects of financial development on the whole distribution of...

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View Resource An investigation into the cost of universal health coverage in Mexico

The Mexican social security system, after operating for over six decades, has managed to provide healthcare for slightly over half the resident population. There are wide geographical and socioeconomic variations in coverage. To provide wider coverage, the Federal Government created the Sistema de Protección Social en Salud (SPSS) for covering low income family. It becomes the third...

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View Resource Financing universal enrollment to social health insurance: lessons learned from Colombia

The paper discusses the financing of the health care reform implemented in Colombia since the early nineties and explains the obstacles faced on the way to universal enrollment to social health insurance. The paper describes the reform and the sources created for its financing. It presents the observed trends in the financing of the insurance schemes created by the reform, identifies the...

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View Resource Efectos sociales de las alternativas de reforma respecto al modelo de financiación de un sistema de seguridad social. Aplicación al caso latinoamericano

Cuando se tratan los regímenes de financiación de la seguridad social, la discusión solo parece contemplar dos posibles alternativas entre capitalización y reparto, en muchas ocasiones generándose la controversia en foros jurídicos o económicos sin la suficiente formación e información actuarial como para saber a ciencia cierta de qué se está hablando; es decir, se utilizan estos conceptos de...

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