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View Resource ¿Inversiones en espacios públicos para generar capital social? Evidencia para México

La formación de capital social es de suma importancia para países en vías de desarrollo. El presente trabajo investiga los efectos en rescates de espacios públicos en zonas marginadas de México. Los efectos son estimados mediante balanceo en los puntajes de propensión. Nos enfocamos en los resultados de percepción de seguridad, asistencia y capital social. Se encontró que debido a la intervención...

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View Resource Los espacios públicos en México como detonadores de la cohesión social: un enfoque de modelado estructural

Esta investigación evaluó los efectos de varios factores contextuales (por ejemplo, la inseguridad vecinal, la evaluación de los espacios públicos, la infraestructura, los comportamientos de bajo riesgo) en materia de cohesión social y de satisfacción residencial, en el contexto de individuos de situación socioeconómica baja y media-baja que se encuentran cerca de espacios públicos (parques e...

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View Resource Introducción (sobre los sistemas de protección social que se aborda en el presente número de la revista)

La construcción del estado de bienestar en México inició en torno a los años de la Gran Depresión y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, como una gran movilización nacional que a su vez formó parte de un compacto global para mejorar las normas laborales y establecer sistemas nacionales de seguridad social. La Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social se fundó en 1942 en apoyo a ese movimiento. En este...

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View Resource Seguridad social universal centrada en el ciudadano

Este ensayo revisa la situación de la protección social en México, así como diversas propuestas y opciones para su reforma. Una guía es el concepto de piso de protección social que han definido la Organización Internacional del Trabajo y la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se tratan temas de forma más general bajo los grandes apartados de programas de familia, pensiones, salud y empleo, así como...

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View Resource Programas de pensiones, empleo y familia

Los programas de pensiones, empleo y familia constituyen tres de las cuatro grandes categorías de la política social (la cuarta siendo los de salud). En este artículo se analizan opciones para su diseño dentro de un marco de universalidad de la seguridad social en México. Si bien estos programas tienen componentes de beneficios monetarios centrales, también requieren de estrategias sólidas y...

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View Resource Seguro social de salud

El gobierno de México definió entre los años noventa y los dos mil principios de reforma a los seguros de salud e intentó implementarlos. Las principales iniciativas aprobadas definieron esquemas voluntarios, en un caso basado en aseguradoras privadas (que tienen muy baja penetración), y en otro, en una nueva instancia pública que funciona como mecanismo de distribución del gasto federal hacia...

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View Resource The gender impact of social security reform in Latin America

Recent multi-pillar pension reforms tighten the link between payroll contributions and benefits, leading critics to argue that they will hurt women, who have less continuous employment and earn lower wages than men. However, these reforms also remove distortions and target redistributions to low earners, which help women. This paper tests these conflicting claims in the case of three Latin...

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View Resource Restrictions, problems and dilemmas of social provision in Latin America: facing challenges from aging and income inequality

This paper discusses the main restrictions, problems and dilemmas that social provision faces in Latin America in a context of demographic changes and low achievements in the economic performance, particularly in the labor market. It is proposed the need to adapt the general social provision matrix as function of priorities and restrictions set by financing access. Due to the limited labor...

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View Resource Social security and inequality in Mexico: from polarization to universality

The article documents the failure of social security in Mexico as an instrument of social protection and evaluates possible reform strategies. It analyses the truncated coverage of these systems for the most vulnerable, the regressive incidence and horizontal inequities of public social security subsidies, and the consequences for old-age poverty and inequalities in basic health opportunities. It...

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View Resource Reseña del informe sobre la salud en el mundo 2010. La financiación de los sistemas de salud

El documento presentado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en Febrero de 2011 expone una serie de propuestas para motivar a los países miembros a lograr la cobertura universal en salud. Estas propuestas se presentan de manera extensa y basándose tanto en estadísticas mundiales como en estudios de caso.

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View Resource The political economy of social security reforms in the Americas

This paper analyses the factors affecting the decision to apply a reform (parametric and structural) in the Americas, which may hold a specific set of conditions, i.e. a sui generis political system and a high degree of economic openness, among others. Economic freedom is relevant in the case of structural reforms, while results for the share of older population are not conclusive. It may be that...

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View Resource Academic performance of public university students in Argentina

Designing educational policies under limited budgets requires a thorough analysis of the impact of alternative factors on student performance. This work aims at providing an analysis of the relationship between university performance and its explanatory factors. The analysis Will focus on the Argentinean case, using the 1994 Census of Students in National Universities, which includes data on all...

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View Resource Do investments in public spaces generate social capital? Evidence for Mexico

The formation of social capital is critical for developing countries. This paper investigates the effects of attempts to recover public spaces in marginalized areas of Mexico. The effects are estimated through balancing in the propensity scores. We focus on the results of perception of safety, support and social capital. When efforts are made to recover public spaces, the perception of safety...

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View Resource Economic polarisation and gobernality in México

The purpose of this essay is to appraise alternative hypothesis about the origins of recent social revolt in Mexico. It shows that it is not clear that a severe rise in poverty preceded the origins of violent conflict but social polarisation. Therefore, government attempts to deactivate the economic factors that led to social unrest did not necessarily upgrade povertyreduction policies. The...

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View Resource Analysis of the use of financial services by companies in Mexico: What does the 2009 Economic Census tell us?

We present a descriptive analysis of the results of Mexico's 2009 Economic Census regarding the use of bank credit and accounts by productive entities (companies). INEGI was requested to prepare a set of statistics regarding various company characteristics that are relevant to the decisions made by institutions offering banking services. Information was grouped according to company size and to...

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View Resource Book review. Violence and social orders: a conceptual framework for interpreting recorded human history, by Douglas C. North, John Joseph Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast

Why societies differ in their level of violence? This is the question addressed by North, Wallis, and Weingast. To provide an answer they must develop a rich theory of how individuals and organizations that compose a human group voluntarily surrender their will to act violently in exchange for participating in a society with improved conditions for the creation and conservation of wealth.

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View Resource The health insurance reform in the Netherlands and its relevance for Mexico

Alrededor del mundo se observan dos versiones de la organización de los seguros de salud; la seguridad social basada en el empleo, y los servicios nacionales de salud. En Latinoamérica regularmente se usa la primera, pero se está lejos de lograr la cobertura universal. En los Países Bajos encontramos una peculiar mezcla de obligaciones públicas y responsabilidades privadas. La cobertura universal...

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View Resource Feasibility analysis of an integrated health system: financial and distributive implications

The document presents spending projections and projections of the distributive incidence for an Integrated Health System under three basic scenarios: status quo, a two pillar scheme (financed through general taxes and private spending) and a three pillar scheme (financed through general taxes, social security contributions and private spending). By presenting these simulations, the study enhances...

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View Resource A simple poverty scorecard for Mexico

This study uses Mexico's 2008 National Household Survey of Income and Expenditure to I construct an easy-to-use scorecard that estimates the likelihood that a household has income below a given poverty line. The scorecard uses ten simple indicators that field workers can quickly collect and verify. Poverty scores can be computed on paper in the field in about five to ten minutes. The scorecard's...

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View Resource Review of the 2010 World Health Report. Health system financing

The document that was presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2011 sets forth a series of proposals to encourage member countries to achieve universal health coverage. These proposals are presented in detail and are based both on world statistics and case studies.

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