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View Resource Los retos de la seguridad social en América Latina

Uno de los mayores retos que enfrentamos al abordar el tema de la seguridad social es el de proveer a los trabajadores una pensión digna, aquella donde el trabajador logre al menos lo básico de la canasta básica familiar, al terminar su vida laboral. Conferencia pronunciada en el Curso "Evolución, Realidad y Perspectivas de los Regímenes de Pensiones" celebrado en el CIESS del 16 de julio al...

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View Resource Social capital in labor market access and poverty in Mexico

Social capital, defined as the set of social networks that a person has in order to obtain benefits, is used by the population as a mechanism for providing resources, to cushion shocks in consumption and to obtain information on available employment opportunities. This study employs a logistic model to characterize the manner in which people access the labor market in Mexico through the use of...

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View Resource The effect of migration on the labor market outcomes of the sender household: a longitudinal approach using data from Nicaragua

In this paper, I use longitudinal data from the 1998 and 2001 Living Standard Measurement Surveys in Nicaragua to examine the impact of the emigration of household members on the household labor market integration and poverty. The main findings of the paper are that households from which an emigrant left had a reduction in members, a reduction in working members, a reduction in labor income than...

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View Resource Is international migration a substitute for social security

The focus on short-term macroeconomic factors, including unemployment and wages, is insufficient to explain international migration. Institutional factors, bound to change only in the long run, can potentially have a large impact on migration flows. To illustrate this, we analyze Mexico-U.S. migration focusing on social security coverage, an important indicator of job formality. Using...

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View Resource Impact on earning, employment prospects and timing out of unemployment of mexican programs targeted at unemployed individuals: challenges

his paper presents estimates of the impact of programs for unemployed workers on the performance of program beneficiaries in Mexico. We emphasize the significance of applying methodologies capable of avoiding statistical bias attributable to unobserved variables when measuring the impact on earnings and allowing to us properly estimate unemployment duration and work status after exiting from...

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View Resource Introduction (On the studies presented at the International Conference on "Delinquency and Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean")

Crime has become the leading concern for citizens of the region and has been pushed to the forefront of the international policy agenda; what is more, the combination of very few success stories and abundant failures in curbing crime and violence has underscored how thin our understanding is and the difficulty of designing and implementing an effective strategy at the local level. This issue...

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View Resource Promised and actual benefits in mexican social security fot rhe transtion generation

Este artículo presenta un conjunto de mediciones de los costos y beneficios reales del plan general de retiro por jubilación proporcionado a los ciudadanos por parte del Sistema Mexicano de Pensiones (SMP), que son necesarias para evaluar las decisiones de los trabajadores en cuanto a la contribución a la seguridad social (es decir, trabajar en el sector formal) y al retiro. El SMP ofrece dos...

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View Resource Employability and productivity among older workers: a policy frameworks and evidence from Latin America

As Latin American and the Caribbean countries face rapid aging transitions, the economic contribution of older workers would need to be strengthened. This paper uses household data from Brazil and Mexico to characterize labor market behavior of older workers, such as participation, sector and type of employment, and productivity, to identify critical areas for policy intervention. The paper also...

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View Resource Book review. Empleo, trabajo y desigualdades en salud: una visión global. Joan Benach, Charles Muntaner, Orielle Solar, Vilma Santana y Michael Quinlan

This is a stimulating book which explores the relationship between employment conditions and health outcomes. The authors provide a conceptual framework to illustrate the channels through which health outcomes are determined and affected; this framework includes individual and aggregate variables, such as the economic, political and environmental conditions. The book also includes case studies...

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View Resource MSMES in Costa Rica: Chronicle of their poor integration in times of accelerated international integration

El presente documento, está centrado en las Mipyme y en las políticas públicas para su fomento en la economía costarricense. El análisis, se hace a partir de un enfoque alternativo de clasificación de las actividades económicas, el cual permite precisar con mayor detalle las desigualdades entre las actividades tradicionales de amplia trayectoria en la economía, de aquellas actividades que han...

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View Resource Book review. New structural economics de Justin Yifu Lin

The international financial crisis of 2008-2009, its impact on economic activity and contrasting I responses to face it have given new impetus to the debate Between academics, international organization representatives and public officers on the scope for public policies to reduce the adverse impact of externa) shocks and trigger sustainable long-term growth in production and employment. The...

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View Resource Introduction (On the issue of social capital that is addressed in this issue of the journal)

In recent decades, interest has increased in identifying, estimating and linking social capital to a variety of well-being variables in which the production of certain benefits or performance is key. Research has involved the confluence of several disciplines: economics, sociology, anthropology and psychology, to name a few. Although consensus on the definition of a single indicator for measuring...

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View Resource The effect of the perception of violence on social capital in Mexico

Increasing levels of violence in Mexico, which have the potential to damage the very fabric of 1 society, as well as impact key economic variables, led us to analyze the effect that changes in the perception of violence had on social capital fluctuations (including associative capital) between 2006 and 2011. This was a period in which an anti-violence and anti-organized crime policy was launched...

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View Resource The Americas Social Security Report 2005: labor markets and the fragmentation of social insurance, financing for HIV-AIDS by social security (Book review)

The Americas Social Security Report 2005, published by the CISS, gathers the contributions, opinions, and comments of more than 30 social security specialists from different countries in the American continent, as well as the review of the most recent literature on this matter. The purpose is to present, to specialized public and to laymen, a detailed, analytic, and updated report of the...

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View Resource Discriminación laboral por razones genómicas

En este artículo se expone que a raíz del fenómeno genómico, el concepto de dignidad humana debe evolucionar para comprenderlo como un bien tangible, en el que el marco jurídico sobre las prácticas genéticas con investigación en el genoma humano, deberá orientarse a través de principios generales como son la protección a la inviolabilidad del ser humano y de sus derechos, la confidencialidad de...

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View Resource La relevancia del acceso al crédito en la dinámica de la informalidad en México

Introducción: El fenómeno de la informalidad laboral ha cobrado gran relevancia en México como resultado del aumento en la proporción de trabajadores no inscritos en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), los cuales representan una mayoría dentro de la población económicamente activa (PEA). Acorde con cifras recientes capturadas por la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE),...

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View Resource Maternidad y mercados laborales: el impacto de la legislación en Colombia

Este estudio busca determinar el impacto de la modificación de la Ley 1468 de 2011 sobre el sector laboral de las mujeres, norma que amplió la licencia por maternidad incluida en el Código Sustantivo del Trabajo en Colombia. Para identificar este impacto, comparamos los resultados laborales de dos grupos de mujeres con distintas tasas de fertilidad. El estudio encontró evidencia de que la...

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View Resource Eventos de seguridad social. Cuarenta y seis Reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo

Nota informativa sobre la Cuarenta y seis Reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo, celebradas del del 22 al 28 de junio de 1962. En la que se presentaron las Resoluciones logradas: Resolución sobre las actividades de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo en materia de educación obrera; Resolución sobre el desarrollo de las actividades de la Organización Internacional del...

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View Resource Efectos redistributivos del Programa Nacional de Financiamiento al Microempresario y a la Mujer Rural en México Un estudio con enfoque de género

Se cuantifican los efectos del Programa Nacional de Financiamiento al Microempresarioy a la Mujer Rural (Pronafim) en la generación y redistribución del ingreso en México con perspectiva de género. Para ello, se formula el modelo de multiplicadores contables que recoge endógenamente las relaciones ingreso-gasto entre: 31 sectores económicos; dos tipos de hogares, los encabezados por hombres y...

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View Resource La OIT y la seguridad social desde el punto de vista de los empleadores

Este texto forma parte del una serie de artículos publicados en la Revista Internacional de Seguridad Social de la AISS en la que se rinde homenaje a la obra notable lograda por la OIT, en el transcurso de sus 50 primeros años.

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